I'm shaking as we're taking off, all bound for heaven...

Mar 16, 2010 13:40

Well, this is it. I'm two days from my 2-week class trip and I'm nervous as heck but SO FRAKKIN EXCITED WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN.

I've got a soccer game in a few hours, then going home to finish packing and triple-checking everything.

home -> airport -> DC airport -> Brussels -> Paris -> Rome -> Germany -> Austria -> home

I'm terrified of getting in an airplane again... my first flight was a 3-hour to Boston about four years ago and I don't do heights. Now I've got to survive seven hours straight in a plane. I'm really excited and happy that this is all happening, it's unbelievable. I'm so blessed to even be able to go thanks to so many people, and then doubly blessed with some spending money.

This is my first post in a while just 'cause I've been so incredibly busy. Quick update: my thesis is OVER AND DONE WITH. For now. I've got a 21 page rough draft completed and now to finalize and write the speech and give a defense in front of a panel of judges. But that's not for a little while longer. I've got some time to relax first. SO GLAD it's out of the way.

There's also the matter of whether or not I'm going to my school's gorgeously formal prom/meal (although it's nothing like prom and there's ballroom dancing), but that's a whole other story for another time when I'm not frantically typing this out before leaving for a soccer game which may be my first played game in ages. XDDD;;

See you all when I get back. There will be plenty of pictures (and maybe some video), that's for sure. :D

school: general, thesis, adventure, life, school

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