No Regrets: a Paul/Mellie fanmix

Jan 11, 2011 00:05

 Created for a whedonland challenge as a collaboration with  undrheavenskies.

The mix basically has a main focus on love that was not meant to be, or what could-have-been, under normal circumstances. So it's not your typical romantic ship music, but it's lovely and sad and we think these songs fit the pairing and situation quite nicely.

You're Beautiful - James Blunt
You're beautiful, you're beautiful
You're beautiful, it's true
I saw your face in a crowded place
And I don't know what to do
'Cause I'll never be with you

Requiem - Three Graces
We met just by chance
Or just by mistake,
The universe was playing with our lives
It was all a game
Until I realized you're the one
I've needed all this time
You saved my life

Written In The Stars - Aida (Original Broadway Recording)
Is it written in the stars
Are we paying for some crime
Is that all that we are good for
Just a stretch of mortal time
For some god's experiment
In which we have no say
In which we're given paradise
But only for a day

Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien - Edith Piaf
Avec mes souvenirs
J'ai allumé le feu
Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs
Je n'ai plus besoin d'eux
Balayées les amours,
Avec leurs trémolos,
Balayées pour toujours,
Je repars à zéro

My memories
I have burnt my memories
My sorrows, my pleasures
I don’t need them any more
Swept away, the love affairs
And all their tremblings
Swept away for ever
I am starting anew

Stay Just A Little - Kina Grannis
I don't like to think it is true
That distance came between us like a knife and cut right through
Where did we go wrong and let it all undo?
The only one I ever loved was you

Digest - The Ben Taylor Band
I've been forced to digest this wasteful emptiness.
I'm supposed to laugh as if there's nothing going on.
I know life goes on regardless,
But nothing's been the same
Since you've been gone

Goodbye Until Tomorrow - The Last 5 Years (Original Cast Recording) 
I could never rescue you
All you ever wanted
But I could never rescue you
No matter how I tried
All I could do was love you hard
And let you go

Download (.rar, 34.09mb): hxxp://

fanmix, dollhouse, challenge, music, whedonland

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