Music meme time!

Nov 18, 2010 18:48

Step 1: Put your iTunes on equivalent or random.
Step 2: Post the first(-ish) line from the first 40 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 3: Bold or Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 4: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING.

1. And all shall fade, the flowers of spring. The world and all the sorrow at the heart of everything.
2. Drink with me to days gone by. Sing with me the songs we knew.
3. What's wrong with me, why do I feel like this?
4. This is an all too familiar scene.. life imperceptibly coming between those whose love is as strong as it could or should be.
5. I thought that I was too old too believe in fairy tales, but there's a letter for me waiting when I check my mail.
6. I've been thinkin', how you're wastin' all that lovin' on someone else, I can't take it.
7. The culprit, you act before thinking, caught in your ignorant sin
8. Roll over baby, the time has come to make a little bit more room.
9. I hear the wind call my name, the sound that leads me home again.
10. This house and all these rooms.. last Christmas or last year.
11. Days come and go, time moves so fast. We couldn't stop the hourglass.
12. When the train rolls by, I'm gonna be ready this time.
13. Give in, don't fight, good girl, goodnight. Sleep tight in NYC.
14. How can I pretend that I don't see what you hide so carelessly?
15. An old man turned 98. He won the lottery and died the next day.
16. There is no future, there is no past. Thank God this moment's not the last.
17. I'm breaking my mother's heart. The longer I stand looking at you, the more I hear it splinter and crack from ninety miles away.
18. I'm tired of being what you want me to be. Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface.
19. Mama who bore me, mama who gave me, mama the angels who made me so sad.
20. I tried to kill the pain, but only brought more.
21. Sunny days and starry nights and lazy afternoons, you're countin' castles in the clouds and hummin' little tunes
22. Nukkuu korpi, ja nyt, aatoksissain minä matkaa teen (you do this without cheating, I give you a cookie)
23. Insolent boy, the slave of fashion, basking in your glory.
24. One Monday morning I got up late, and there were these monkeys outside the gate.
25. I'm getting tired of asking..this is the final time, so can I make you happy?
26. To sail away to half discovered places, to see the secrets so few eyes have seen. To see moments of enchantment on our faces; the moments when we smile and those between.
27. They've managed to get rid of me, return me to the grave. ECT, electric chair; we shock who we can't save.
28. No man, no madness, though their sad power may prevail, can possess, conquer, my country's heart, they rise to fail
29. I touch the fire and it freezes me, I look into it and it's black. Why can't I feel? My skin should crack and peel. I want the fire back.
30. My eyes are opened wide by the way I made it through the day/I watch the world outside, by the way I'm leaving out today.
31. If I live to be a hundred and never see the seven wonders, that'll be alright.
32. Why do we play with fire? Why do we run our finger through flame? Why do we leave our hands on the stove although we know we're in for some pain?
33. If he was alive again and we could touch his mane, his golden mane/Hold his face in our hands then we would know he's tame, call his name
34. Day by day, day by day, oh dear Lord, three things I pray.
35. This is me for forever, one of the lost ones/The one without a name, without an honest heart as compass
36. It's four in the afternoon, I'm on a flight leaving LA.
37. Burn down my home, my memories hardened and are bright as chrome
38. All the colors of the rainbow, all the voices of the wind/Every dream that reaches out, reaches out to find where love begins
39. Mother said, straight ahead, not to delay or be misled.
40.This is an all too familiar scene, life imperceptibly coming between those whose love is as strong as it could or should be

fun post, meme, music

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