My head just exploded from all the awesome.

Nov 08, 2010 23:50

I watched the final Sherlock episode (for now).
It was SO. EFFING. GOOD. Episode one had me hooked from the start and I thought it would stay at the top of my favorite episode list forever... the second one was great, but episode one topped it.. and then episode three came and blew the first one away by a mile. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. I MUST HAVE MORE. NOW. SOON. PLZKTHX.

jdgrl47 said that Benedict is like Matt Smith, I think. At first, you're like "WAGH." Then you see their talent and you're like "Hm." And then they grow on you and you're like "UNF.".
I agree with this LOTS. <333

And today in the store, because I can't sit down and there's nothing going on, I walked around and wrote drabble ideas in my head.
1. Arthur Weasley comes into the store and picks up a random bizarre item - (we specialize in kitchen appliances) and tries to figure out how it works and where the magic goes.
2. Harry Potter goes to a Muggle bookstore and finds a book about him.. only it's like a strange biography of some kind. And/or details get changed around.

Also, some of the cookie cutters there could srs just be Pokemon shapes. Staryu, Stantler, Prinplup... I badly wanna make my own, in the outline of a TARDIS, or more complex, a Dalek or something. I could probably do it if I had a long wire and pliers, and a big printed outline of a Dalek. Hm...

Also today at dinner with my boyfriend, among discussion of various television shows (and Sherlock AAH), he said something about Desperate Housewives and how terrible it was. And that it'd been on the air for forever. I was all, "It's only been on since like... 2004."
Him: "How do you know that? Are you secretly a fan of the show?"
Me: "I've never seen a single episode in my life despite the fact that both Nathan Fillion and John Barrowman have been on it. And it could be 2003, I'm not sure."
Him: "I'm going to look it up and if you're right I will have lost a bit of respect for you." *looks it up*
Me: "Wait, what? You won't be impressed by my vast television knowledge that clearly gets lodged into my brain until it becomes useful? You don't appreciate this talent?"
Him: *has looked it up and wordlessly turns screen towards me*
Me: "BAM. Got it spot on. I win."
Him: " do you know this??"

I wanna write fic. Short ones. Omg. So bad. I don't even know what of, or why but I do. I don't even write fic but I think I could. Just fun little drabbles or something. I could write for Eleven. Or Wash. Or Giles... or.. House and Wilson? No idea. Just gonna wait until something hits me and at least write it down to write about later. And right now I'm about to pass out on the computer itself... which is not good. I'm so tired, it's normally almost 1 AM but the time change makes it 11:50 PM. I'm so exhausted. Bedtime.

sherlock, geeky, fandom, idea, fanfic, life, work

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