Missing Pokemon in my Diamond Pokedex (because I need this list and I'm bored)

Oct 20, 2010 17:35

So yeah. I've got the most on Diamond right now, and I'd like to get another chunk completed before Black/White comes out and I get even more behind. If the Pokemon name is in italics/not listed, I haven't even seen it in the game yet.

If any Pokemon geeks with wifi are out there, I'd love your help. I can breed just about anything that's not listed here, basically, and I don't mind hatching eggs given to me but it's such a pain. For some of the rarer non-legendary Pokemon, it'd be great if you just gave me an egg, or at the very least did a double-trade.

(Updated Nov. 25, 2010)
Seen: 375/493
Obtained: 285 307 331

LJ-cutting for your sanity.

(egg) - I can hatch this from another evolution. Lowest priority.
(evolve) - I can evolve the previous form to get this. Medium priority, as it takes time.
(SS) - I can trade this over from my SoulSilver game. Higher priority, as I don't have a secondary DS system readily available.

Pokemon I've seen in-game but need:
#79 Slowpoke (SS)
#80 Slowbro (SS)
#85 Dodrio (evolve)
#115 Kangaskhan
#117 Seadra (evolve)
#121 Starmie
#128 Tauros
#151 Mew
#169 Crobat
#170 Chinchou
#171 Lanturn
#193 Yanma
#198 Murkrow
#200 Misdreavus
#206 Dunsparce
#214 Heracross
#217 Ursaring (SS)
#224 Remoraid
#226 Mantine
#232 Donphan
#241 Miltank
#268 Cascoon
#269 Dustox
#286 Breloom
#294 Loudred
#301 Delcatty
#326 Grumpig
#327 Spinda
#334 Claydol
#355 Duskull
#356 Dusclops
#364 Sealeo (evolve)
#376 Metagross
#409 Rampardos (evolve)
#415 Combee
#416 Vespiquen
#420 Cherubi
#421 Cherrim
#429 Mismagius
#430 Honchcrow
#432 Purugly (evolve)
#443 Gible
#444 Gabite
#445 Garchomp
#446 Munchlax
#449 Hippopotas
#450 Hippowdon
#452 Drapion
#453 Croagunk
#454 Toxicroak

Pokemon I haven't seen in-game (and therefore can't get via GTC)
#37 Vulpix TY KIT!
#38 Ninetales (evolve)
#89 Muk
#90 Shellder
#91 Cloyster
#97 Hypno
#98 Krabby
#99 Kingler
#101 Electrode (evolve)
#103 Executor (evolve)
#120 Staryu
#124 Jynx
#126 Magmar
#137 Porygon
#144 Articuno
#145 Zapdos
#146 Moltres
#149 Dragonite (evolve)
#150 Mewtwo
#152 Chikorita
#153 Bayleef
#154 Meganium
#155 Cyndaquil
#156 Quilava
#157 Typhlosion
#158 Totodile
#159 Croconaw
#160 Feraligatr
#161 Sentret
#162 Furret
#165 Ledyba
#166 Ledian
#176 Togetic
#177 Natu
#179 Mareep
#180 Flaffy
#181 Ampharos
#186 Politoed
#187 Hoppip
#188 Skiploom
#189 Jumpluff
#191 Sunflora
#192 Yanma
#199 Slowking
#204 Pineco
#205 Forretress
#207 Gligar
#209 Snubbull
#210 Granbull
#211 Qwilfish
#212 Scizor
#213 Shuckle (SS)
#216 Teddiursa (SS)
#220 Swinub
#221 Piloswine
#222 Corsola
#225 Delibird
#228 Houndoor
#229 Houndoom
#230 Kingdra
#231 Phanphy TY KIT!
#233 Porygon2
#234 Stantler
#235 Smeargle
#237 Hitmontop
#238 Smoochum
#239 Elekid
#240 Magby
#243 Raikou (SS)
#244 Entei (SS)
#245 Suicune (SS)
#249 Lugia (SS)
#251 Celebi
#274 Nuzleaf
#275 Shiftry
#283 Surskit
#284 Masquerain
#285 Shroomish (SS)
#287 Slakoth (SS)
#288 Vigoroth
#289 Slaking
#290 Nincada
#291 Ninjask
#292 Shedinja
#293 Whismur
#295 Exploud
#299 Nosepass
#300 Skitty
#302 Sableye
#303 Mawile
#304 Aron (egg)
#305 Lairon
#306 Aggron (evolve)
#310 Manectric
#316 Gulpin
#317 Swalot
#319 Sharpedo
#320 Wailmer (egg)
#321 Wailord
#324 Torkoal
#325 Spoink
#330 Flygon
#332 Cacturne
#334 Altaria
#335 Zangoose
#336 Seviper
#337 Lunatone
#338 Solrock
#341 Corphish
#342 Crawdaunt
#346 Cradily
#347 Anorith
#348 Armaldo (evolve)
#351 Castform
#357 Tropius (trade)
#359 Absol
#360 Wynaut
#363 Spheal
#365 Walrein
#366 Clamperl
#367 Huntail
#368 Gorebyss
#370 Luvdisc
#374 Beldum (egg)
#375 Metang
#377 Regirock
#378 Regice
#379 Registeel
#380 Latias (SS)
#381 Latios (SS)
#382 Kyogre
#383 Groudon
#384 Rayquaza
#386 Deoxys
#463 Lickilicky
#464 Rhyperior
#465 Tangrowth
#466 Electivire
#467 Magmortar
#468 Togekiss
#469 Yanmega
#472 Glisgor
#473 Mamoswine
#474 Porygon-Z
#476 Probopass
#477 Dusknoir
#478 Frosslass
#479 Rotom
#486 Regigigas
#491 Darkrai
#492 Shaymin
#493 Arceus

I think I'm gonna pull out some GBA games and see how far I need to go in those before I can start transferring Pokemon over. I wanna at least get all the legendaries/needed/version-exclusive Pokemon before I do mass-dumping into my Diamond/Platinum/SS games, since it's irreversible. And then when that is finally completed, I can put my DS Lite towards the price of a 3DS in March/whenever I get back from boot camp.


project, challenge, pokemon, geeky, idea

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