More sunset over Bellingham Originally uploaded by
h.reijm Just returned from a weeklong trip on the West Coast. Detroit and I spent about 4 days in Seattle and the Skagit Valley and then I went on to spend a few more days in San Francisco. The weather was perfect in the Pacific Northwest and one of the highlights was taking a flight in my brother-in-law's new 4-seater plane over Bellingham, the San Juan Islands and Skagit Valley. He's become quite the successful criminal defense attorney in Bellingham, WA, and has also been working on getting his pilot's license for the past several years, hence the new toy.
The view was unbelievable. Even though I grew up in this area, the beauty of it still strikes me every time I visit home. And for D, it was even more stunning, he having never seen any of it before. It was such an amazing view and very cool to be in that little plane.
The Bay Area was also a lot of fun. I was there for a financial training and then stayed an extra couple of days to see friends, which was great. I met new kids, new dogs, new partners, and went on a lot of pretty morning runs in San Fran. I'm impressed with the topography there and even more so given all the bicyclists around.
Alas, I'm glad to be back and excited to get on my bike in the morning. I'm such a nerd.