
Nov 04, 2007 22:15

The last three days have been one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

I'm not going to review every detail. A few of you have already heard them (or at least, those appropriate to share). I've been in an emotional storm for the last five hours, as some of you have seen. I've cried more tears in the last 72 hours than I have in the year beforehand; not sad tears, or at least not for the most part. Tears of happiness, of appreciation, of feeling a kind of peace I didn't think possible. A few in the last hour of loneliness (as melodramatic as that may sound), of impatience, frankly, of selfishness, considering the gift I was just given. But mostly they've been accompanied by the stupid grin that only he can bring out in me.

If I ever had any doubt that the last three years have been worth it, it was gone the minute his hand was in mine.

I know that I sound like a love-drunk, hopeless romantic fool. I'm sure I am. But right now, maybe for the first time, I feel completely validated in it. And that's worth more than I can express in words.

gushing, weekend, love, donovon

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