(no subject)

Oct 21, 2007 23:56

"What is a lesbian? What is anything? Like, what's a unicorn? It's a horse with a horn on its head that's magic. A lesbian is just a woman with a horn on her head that's magic."
- Sarah Silverman

I actually got two days off this weekend, but somehow I'm not feeling all that rested. Still, aside from a major project due this Wednesday that I haven't started yet, I'm feeling pretty good about life at the moment. Very excited about the week after next. Even looking forward to my practicum, which begins the week of November 12th. Nervous as heck, but optimistic.

I can't believe Hallowe'en's only next week. I still have no idea of what I'm going to dress as, if anything, or what exactly I'm doing the night off. I'd probably be happy just to sit at home this year, seeing as I have a big couple of days following that.

Okay, done with the random chatter and reflections for now. Hope everyone has a good week.

~ Rob

school, hallowe'en, weekend, magical lesbians

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