I'm Not Dead.

Oct 03, 2007 21:48

But man, am I tired.

I haven't updated this thing in a month, huh? Craziness. It feels like two weeks at most. School has me beyond busy, but it's good busy. I love my classes, for the most part. I love my teachers and my classmates. And I'm diggin the whole stable schedule thing. I haven't really had a solid one of those since highschool. That being said, one day off a week is wearing me out, and I could use a few more PJ days a month.

I really wish I could think of something interesting to write here, but my brain is failing me. I went to a Youth Justice conference with a few members of my class last Friday and Saturday, and that was quite a neat experience. I'm almost half-way done the class part of my school semester (the following five weeks being a 150 hour practicum), which is mind-blowing. Hallowe'en is approaching, and I have no idea what I'm going to dress up as... 'starving student' is just too obvious. Maybe I'll get a cheap pair of wings and put on some half-assed mascara and go as a lazy fairy. I'd really like to suit up, but I don't have the money to rent, and I certainly don't have the money to buy. No other ideas are coming to mind. I don't have the time or the effort in me to do anything very creative this year. Which is prettymuch what I've said the last 4 years or so, but this year it's really true.

But... yeah. Wow, I really have nothing interesting to say. I've been getting to write a little again, after picking up Buffy in spiral_rpg. She makes for a great muse, and playing her scratches an itch that's been at me for some time. I've also been in talks with the main mod about picking up Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing, my favourite comic book hero, which could be pretty wicked. So we'll see what happens.

Okay, I'm seriously out of things to talk about already. So pathetic. Hope everyone is doing well, and those of you who have my number? Call me. I've got unlimited incoming, and I get maybe three calls a month, it's frickin pathetic.

Love and puppies,

~ Rob

Edit (11:39PM): I thought of something more to say. If anybody hasn't already, for the love of the sweet baby Jesus, buy the Serenity Collector's Edition DVD. Hell, buy two copies and give one to a friend. For one, it's worth the low price tag (only $20) for the cast commentary track alone. But more importantly, according to a very recent interview with Alan Tudyk (Wash) the DVD sales have been so impressive that Universal is considering a Serenity 2. Whether it be in theaters, or direct to DVD, it doesn't really matter... this is the opportunity Browncoats everywhere have been waiting for. So hop to it, people!

a little bit of work, school, buffy, more school, occasionally sleep, serenity

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