(no subject)

Aug 18, 2007 00:44

So, just a bit of an update while I have the chance.

First thing's first - the big news. I've finally been accepted into Douglas College's Youth Justice Program! After weeks of waiting for some kind of response from the school, I finally got it - in the form of no less than 4 separate phone calls in one day! Turns out my acceptance got lost in the mail, or something. I've paid my deposit and sent in my Criminal Record Check, so now it's just a matter of time. I'm nervous as all hell, and worried about the change in status quo - becoming a full time student - but mostly I'm just excited. This is the next stage in my life, and I'm going to do everything I can to make it a success.

Went and saw Stardust on Tuesday. Absolutely loved it. Magical, funny and romantic... what more could you ask for? Interesting tidbit, the lead role of Yvaine was originally offered to Sarah Michelle Gellar, but she turned it down because she'd spent so much time out of the country in the last couple years (filming The Grudge and The Grudge 2) and wanted to be in New York with her hubby. That's fine by me... Claire Danes was as charming as ever. I can't picture anyone else doing the role as much justice.

I had a bit of a fanboygasm today. To those of you who don't know my deepest, darkest secret, here it is: I watch soaps. Yes, soaps. Daytime television. The punch line of the entertainment industry. That being said, I'm not really ashamed... like every other form of entertainment, they have their ups and their downs, and today was definitely an 'up'. In 2005, As The World Turns made headlines when the character of Luke Snyder, son of the show's lead couple Holden and Lily Snyder, came out as gay. The storyline was praised for its realistic, emotional delivery, and Van Hansis, the actor who plays Luke, quickly became a big hit with fans. Including me. Actually, over the last couple of years, my love for Luke (and Van) has grown to a point that probably borderlines on stalkerish. But back to the point. A couple years went by, and while other characters Luke's age experienced the typical joys and sorrows of teenage love, Luke experienced a big case of Third Wheel Syndrome. That's about to change. The show recently introduced the character of Noah Mayer, a fellow intern at the local television station to Luke and his friend Maddie. While Noah and Maddie hooked up pretty fast, Luke couldn't get over his mind off his straight friend. Recently, Luke admitted his feelings to Noah, who took it rather well but insisted "I'm not gay." That would seem to be the end of it... until a close moment between Luke and Noah led Luke (and viewers) to believe that something more might be going on.

And today, something more went on. But hey, why just describe it? I'm happy to present you with a very special Daytime TV first:

Ah, young love. I think I sort of remember it. Kinda.

Well, that's everything interesting I've got to report. Anime Evolution is happening today through Sunday, and for the first time in a few years, I will not be attending. Instead, I'm heading down to Kelowna with my family for a few days of room service and indoor swimming pools. If you need to reach me for some reason, text my cell and I'll try to get back to you.

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend.

~ Rob

Edit (1:21am): I had to delete 50 icons just to make room for one new one. Stupid extra paid icons... how I miss thee.

holidays, school, luke/van, life, queer stuff

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