An actual update of sorts.

Aug 04, 2007 04:58

Alright, so here's that update I promised. Not really a major one, but if anything interesting comes to mind, it'll be written down.

I've been having a pretty wonderful summer thus far. Still only working two or three days a week at Safeway while I sit on my thumbs and wait for a response from Douglas - a process that's becoming more and more agonizing by the day. I've decided that if I don't make it into the program for Fall, I'll take another 2 course semester in the upcoming term (if my Grandma is willing to lend me the money) and keep up the 2 days a week at Safeway, then do full-time for another year, applying nice and early this time around for the program. I'll also keep volunteering for P.L.E.A. It's a wonderful organization, and though the work with Jordan can occasionally be stressful, overall I find a wonderful sense of fulfillment in it. All that being said, I really hope to get the magic letter in the mail any day now so I can graduate one year sooner.

For those of you who don't read my Facebook (and if you don't, and you have one, add me! It's Rob Loxterkamp. I'm the only one on there, so you can't say I'm lost amongst the crowd) I was given the honour recently of being selected as the winner of the 2006-2007 Bill Main Essay Prize in Academic Writing for my English 1130 paper "Leaving Davie: How Vancouver Has Outgrown Its Gay Village". It was a really great self-esteem booster, and it makes me look all the more forward to going back and continuing to work on my writing skills. People keep asking me if they can read it though, and since I honestly haven't looked at it since I sent it in, I'm not sure whether I'm comfortable with sharing it. I'll probably give it a look over one of these days, and if I decide I'm actually proud enough of it to let my friends and family read it, post it on my Facebook. I'd post it on here, but I try to avoid the general public from knowing about this. The internet is full of creepers.

Had a bunch of fun times in the last month or so... went to Ember, Lise, Jen and Derek's Housewarming BBQ and enjoyed free food and Krys-spoonage, not to mention drunken Karaoke Revolution with Ember. Went to Playland with my sister and Jordan (my Kidstart mentee) and went on every ride at least once. Saw Transformers with Cait and Alex, and Harry Potter with Kari, both of which were quite enjoyable. Last week I spent the day at English Bay with Mara and Chris waiting for the Celebration of Light, and I even got my name in the Vancouver Sun when the three of us were interviewed about our obnoxiously early arrival. Monday I went to Science World with Jordan, Cait and Cecily (Cait's mentee) which was pretty decent fun. In my downtime I've finished reading Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series, and more recently started Orson Scott Card's Ender series. Since I couldn't justify reading three books at once, but also couldn't contain my curiosity, I also downloaded and started listening to the Harry Potter audiobook series narrated by Stephen Fry. I'm into Prisoner of Azkaban now and have to admit I'm finding the series a lot of fun. I don't know why I didn't give it a proper chance sooner. As for television, my Dad and I have been watching Battlestar Galactica, which is simply riveting, and Lise and I have been continuing our commitment to Doctor Who, which has branched off into a torrid affair with spin-off Torchwood. If Nathan Fillion isn't the perfect man, then that title clearly falls on the shoulders of John Barrowman. I've also re-established my commitment to exercise, and have been enjoying a nice routine involving long walks, DDR and a bit of weight lifting. Happy to say I've dropped 5 pounds in the last month or so, though it's that same 5 pounds that always seems to come back as soon as I start to slack, so I'm trying hard not to.

Not a whole lot else worth saying. There's a few things left this summer that I'm looking forward to. The Vancouver Pride Parade happens this Sunday, and though I can't enjoy the whole day-long festival (including the much-anticipated clubbing) I'm planning to make it for the Parade itself. After that it's back home, as my family is throwing a surprise birthday party for my aunt, and I'm expected to be there. I'm also hoping to take a trip to White Pine Beach sometime in the next two weeks, as I haven't been there yet this summer and I'll be damned if I don't get there before it's over. Anime Evolution comes up in a couple of weeks, which I hope to be able to afford to attend, and the weekend following that is Vancouver Zombie March. Looks like August has a lot of potential for greatness, really.

Anyway, to whoever read all that - you have the patience of a saint, and clearly you really need some more interesting hobbies. I've heard good things about tennis. Or maybe knitting? Anything but mime. Nobody deserves mime.

Love, strudels and a rambling hobo whose breath smells like peppermint,

~ Rob ♥

you, no, tags, for

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