Yet More Television Blabbery...

May 19, 2007 01:56

Supernatural's season finale 'All Hell Breaks Loose' was frakkin' fantastic. They managed to tie up the majority of the story from the first two years and at the same time open a whole new can of worms that should play heavily into the season(s) to come.

I'm still on pins and needles for Monday and the 2-hour Heroes finale.

In sadder news... my darling Veronica Mars is officially dead in the water. It may not have been as consistently good for the last two seasons (which can happen when your first season is as fantastic as Veronica's was) but the cast and writers always managed to make it a witty, enjoyable experience. Alas, the CW needs to make room for, uh... other quality programming.

For those of you who haven't seen Hot Fuzz... do so. It's probably the best movie I've seen in theaters all year. It'll have you laughing 'til you hurt. In a good way.

In actual real-life news... I may have a second shot at September entry into the Youth Justice Program. I'm currently in talks with a couple of staff members and have to get some paper work done as soon as possible. This would be a great thing for me, and mean that I don't have to go further into debt spending another year at school just taking courses that interest me but may not get me anywhere. So wish me luck! I should have more definitive news by the end of the month.

tv, college, movies

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