(no subject)

May 01, 2007 16:39

If I don't update now, I'll never get around to it. So here it goes...

1. My sister returned home from Katimavik a couple of weeks ago. The 'Katimadoctors' decided that she'd been sick too much and that she'd probably be happier (and healthier) at home. She seemed disappointed to be coming home at first, but now she's settled in. She could probably go back if she made an effort, but that doesn't seem to be something she's interested in. So my time as an only child has again ended. It's a shame, as I was really enjoying the freedom, but it's good to have her back in ways, too. For one, my parents never notice the things I'm doing wrong so much when she's around...

2. I fared quite well at my first semester back at Douglas. I got a B in Criminology (not the best, but I didn't really study for the 35% final because I was otherwise busy) and an A in English 1130. I also scored an A+ on both of my final projects: the aforementioned Crim paper (on Restorative Youth Justice) and now on my final English essay on the changing role of Canadian gay villages. In addition, I recieved an e-mail from my English professor congratulating me and requesting permission to enter my paper into the annual competition for the best essay done in an Academic Writing course in Douglas College! She says I have an excellent shot, which is such an incredible compliment I was in a state of pure pride for a couple of days. There's only a little bit of money available as part of the award, but a lot of prestige. So wish me luck!

3. I created a Facebook account after prodding from half of the people I know, and after less than a week I've already de-activated it. Quite frankly, I don't see the appeal. I find the layout awkward, the emphasis on photos embarrassing (due to my own lack of photogenic-ness) and the fact that I can find almost everyone I've ever known on there... rather frightening. Quite frankly, it just made me entirely uncomfortable. That's not to say that someday - if I'm (1.) in possession of good photos of myself, (2.) fully out and (3.) comfortable with my place in life - that I won't consider signing back up. But for now, finding a community called "The only reason I went to elementary school is to play Oregon Trail" is not quite enough for me. Almost, but not quite.

4. There's lots of little events that I could go into, like the bar night with Karen and Megan or Joe's birthday party, but instead I'll just sum it up that I've been having a lot of fun lately. I'm still loathing my job, but unless I can think of something else that I think I could do, I'm going to have to go back to fullish-time hours quite soon. As things stand, I'm entirely broke (not to mention in debt) and that's never a fun place to be.

Hope everyone is doing well.

~ Rob
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