Dude, fuck relationships. Seriously. I hope you're not saying the comment about being single as a bad thing. Relationships are way fucking overrated. So many people are all like: "yeah, but despite everything that happened, I'm glad I had the experience." Fuck that. I spent over half of the last decade in two different relationships and if I could have that time back I'd take it in a second. One fucking second. Have fun with friends, play music, write lyrics, skate, mosh, listen to music, chill with our crew--enjoy living free. Relationships force you to make all kinds of compromises. You have all the freedom in the world right now. You can do everything on your time. I've seen some of my greatest friends (myself included) lose themselves in their relationships. It is great when it works, but do you really want to gamble with that time right now? Maybe, who knows? I can't anser that. But don't be down on being single. It fucking rules. Needing to be in a relationship is an addiction as bad as any other. Keep it edge yo. I'm kind of joking, but I guess I'm kind of serious too. I don't mean to come off as misanthropic or bitter, but damn. I've seen a lot of shit--enough to know that you should enjoy this time. We all should. Because we aren't getting any of it back. Ever. Make the most out of it kids. Keep it posi. Be good to your crew. And to those in relationships (everyone else--ha,ha) I seriously wish you all the luck in the world. I hope things work. Things rule when they do work. But moshing solo works too. And there are numerous benefits which I could go on about, but my room is a mess and I'm smelly. So cleaning my room and myself are on the agenda. Posi up--Mike
I'm still fucking around on the internet. But I went to get change for laundry. So I did something productive. Right? (my youth crew shout RIGHT in return--thanks guys). So on the walk I realized that previous post was way too negative. Fuck being negative. Although some of it was true. But now I'm listening to municipal waste so I'm feeling a lot better. The singer just said "ugghhh" and "ummm" during a killer thrash part and few things make me happier than thrash parts where the singer throws in a random "ughh" right when the thrash part is about to peak. And this weather rules. Dude, Carly, I'm just taking over your lj tonight. I should be posting in my own now that I have one, but fuck it. Who shares wins--right? RIGHT. This may be the most ridiculous post ever. But seriously, we need to get you into some thrash Carly. If you like thrash metal/speed metal, etc. there is no reason you can't get into 625 style (and old school) thrash. It's kind of like the old school metal-core (in the sense that it was the crossover hybrid that ruled and didn't suck--wow that was the most inarticulate sentence ever). Well, you said you needed a distraction in your post so at the very least i'm fulfilling that request. And ruling mightily at procrastanating. We should read this when we're all edgefaced this weekend and have a good laugh. So yeah--All I needed to do was recommend into the moat, and I would've had an awesome recommendation for Carly. But I fuck it up with Soilent Green--though I fail to believe that that won't grow on you. Wow, too many negatives in that sentence. Oh well. For real this time, I'm going to get all clean. Goodnight yo--and tomorrow is going to rule. --Mike
I'm going to bring the Soilent Green CD to the library with me tommorrow and give it a real listen. We shall see what happens.
You go get clean. Give that Head & Shoulders a real workout.
P.S. There's no reason why a person can't mosh it up with amigos and be in a relationship all at once.
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