Tagging scheme

Apr 30, 2008 15:04

Most people were against rating tags, while there was mixed support for genre tags. So I've included a small selection of genre tags for genres which seem to me to be relatively easy to identify, are likely to be noted by authors in their own warnings/descriptions, and are the type of things which a reasonably large number of people might want to be able to search for. Any further suggestions are, as ever, welcome.

I've suggested that where there are 'fandom' labels for other rps characters (cw rps and bandom) that we just use those tags rather than generate tags for every crossover pairing. Most of the pairings will be rare, and there are likely to be few enough stories that people will be able to page through them to find the pairings they particularly like.


Author tags

author:[lj username|pseud(s)]

Single character name tags

  - group - used for gsf, or other stories where all five characters are equally important in the story, rather than using all five character name tags.

Although it's very likely that for the most popular characters these will return an incomplete set of stories, they'll will still return up to a thousand, and so they're probably worth having. E.g. a timbertrick story would be tagged with nsync:chris, nsync:justin and nsync:chris/justin. They should only be used for the central characters in the story.

Pairings including only the members of Nsync and/or BSB.

  - /multi (use as the second name when it's an [X/various others] story)
  - :gsf
  - :gen

Nsync or BSB pairings including other real people

b-other:[character/names] - bsb character(s) first
n-other:[character/names] - nsync character(s) first
x-other:[character/names] - bsb and nsync characters(s) first
  - :cw rps (all cw/wb rps characters - no need for individual pairing tags)
  - :bandom (all bandom characters - no need for individual pairing tags)

Add any other rps groupings as needed. For example, were there any popslash/LotRiPS stories back in the early days of the comm?

ETA:Pairings between members of other real boybands, no BSB or Nsync characters included
other:[group name(s)] - the low numbers of stories involved makes individual pairing tags uneccessary.

Genre tags, including the tag for media fandom crossovers

  - :AU - may be a future/historical setting, or fantasy, SF etc, or a modern day real world setting where the characters are not and have never been members of Nsync or BSB - not including crossovers with media fandoms.
  - :AU:hs/college - high school or college AUs.
  - :mpreg
  - :genderswitch
  - :crossdress
  - :bdsm
  - :magicalrealism - (egg-laying, transformations, wingfic, sudden appearance of unicorns, etc)
  - :fandomxover:[fandomname] (for crossover with media fandoms - given the likely small numbers of stories pulled up by these tags, I don't think there's any need to create pairing tags with the other fandom characters' names)
  - :lamp (no need for all the lamp pairing tags!)

Admin tags

admin:brokenlink (if link 404s, leads to a flocked post, etc)
admin:relinked (if working link added in comments)

Assuming that this scheme is agreeable to the majority, then I'll put in some more tags and tag up the stories on the front page, so everyone can see how it looks. Assuming that it's okay, we can start the tagging process.


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