Vancouver Posse fic challenge stories.

Jan 02, 2003 20:46

The Vancouver Posse is pleased to announce that we have finally gotten our shit together and written fic for a New Year's challenge! We're a few days late, but that doesn't matter, because we have fic!! In no particular order the stories are:

aquarian by stubbleglitter
Joey/Justin AU.

That's the way I Like it by lance_nerd JC/Lance/Chris
Just smut.

Cry by lance_nerd Joey/JC
JC's hurting.

Questions by strandia Justin/Lance
Sad lambs.

2:00 for Annoying by arami Chris/JC
JC discovers the NHL with Chris' help.

Happy New Year JC by chootoy um...
It's New Year's Eve, you don't have to be alone.

I Know What You're Feeling For Me by glockgal
It's all good.

Read and feed, people! Thanks.

author:strandia, author:glockgal, nsync:group, nsync:lance, nsync:chris/jc, nsync:joey/justin, nsync:justin, nsync:justin/lance, author:arami, admin:brokenlink, genre:au, nsync:chris/jc/lance, nsync:jc/joey, nsync:jc, nsync:chris, author:ms_nerd, author:bossymarmalade|maggie|stubbleglit, author:chootoy, nsync:joey

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