a slew of new stories

Mar 21, 2005 10:08

Okay, my website is finally updated with stories and ficlets dating all the way back to Sesa.

[Batteries Not Included], Written for JuC day.

An AU where JC isn't a sexbot and Justin likes him that way. (JuC, nc-17)

There were actually two guys talking to Joey, but whoever the second guy was, he barely registered. JC couldn’t take his eyes off of the first guy long enough for anybody else to matter. His brain was usually pretty descriptive, even if his mouth wasn’t so hot on the follow-through, but something had shorted out, and all he could think was “golden.” Golden skin, golden-tipped curls, golden accent, golden smile - it was like watching a color come to life. Just looking at him made JC feel warm all over.

[Dream Come True], a Sesa backup story.

Be careful what you wish for. (JuC, nc-17)

“Excellent choice sir,” the shopkeeper said, and JC realized with amusement that even his voice sounded creaky and ancient, “You do realize what you have here, don’t you? It’s the amulet of desire, son, only one like it in the world. All you have to do is rub it, and you will receive your greatest desire.” JC tried not to look too skeptical, but realized he probably wasn’t very successful when the shopkeeper frowned at him. “You shouldn’t scoff at your dreams, son. Who wouldn’t want a chance to receive their greatest desire?”

On the shorter side, I have Going to Graceland, wherein JC should've known better than to ignore Chris and Justin (TimbertrickC, nc-17), and a bunch of ficlets written on request. Pairings include Bassez, TrickC, Lambs, Choey, and Timbertone, ranging in rating from pg to nc-17.

nsync:justin/lance, author:nonchop, nsync:jc/justin, admin:brokenlink, nsync:chris/joey, nsync:jc, nsync:jc/lance, nsync:chris/jc/justin, nsync:chris, nsync:lance, nsync:chris/jc, nsync:joey/justin, nsync:justin, nsync:joey

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