fic for Joey Slashficathon

Apr 03, 2004 10:54

Wow, first time posting here. Hee!

JoLa, for the Joey Slashficathon, with the specifications of "lots of books and a big kissing scene."

Beginning, Middle

"You wanna take a swim, Bass?" Joey mock-growled, and Lance held up his hands hastily, warding against any sudden moves. "That's what I thought. So sit still and enjoy the friggin' sunset."

"Yes, sir." Lance leaned in and nudged Joey's arm again, but this time, he didn't pull away after nudging - his arm remained a firm, solid presence against Joey's as they both fell silent and looked at the sun's dying fire across the water's rippled reflection. Under the warm lap of the lake against their ankles, Lance's foot brushed Joey's.

nsync:joey/lance, author:callsigns

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