Title: Carry Me 1/3
Warning: Sadness?
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: HaeHyuk
Summary: "Human love is often but the encounter of two weaknesses."
-Francois Mauriac
It is dark and cold and he briefly wonders how he has survived a year out here, and why he keeps trying to stay alive, but his mind goes blank soon, and it matches the feeling of nothingness in his legs and hands. He's only fifteen and he doesn't feel he deserves this. There is a sinking feeling in his stomach and he opens his eyes-not even realizing he has long since closed them-and looks around worriedly. He never feels scared out on these streets. This is the safest neighborhood he can reside in without getting kicked out, and so far it has worked wonders for him. People would pass by and hand him snacks every now and then, whispering "poor boy." There was once a nice looking woman walked by with her oh-so-familiar son and said in his direction "baby boy, if only I could take you home." Its been forever since then. Really though, how long has this "forever" been? He doesn't know. Maybe a couple years?
He sighs and curls up on his side, letting concrete scrap his already raw cheek. Looks doesn't matter in this part of town anyway. It is always dark here. Besides, he lies in the small, yet spacious alley where no one dares go because they are frightened of what hides in it. He chuckles loudly, hoping it would call out to a passerby. It sound of insanity but he wishes someone will hear the underlying cry for help. Help. Please.
"I'll help you, I'll make you big, kid." He remembers. Clearly. The offer is imprinted in his mind, but he remembers that sleazy grin also. That squared chin and taunting eyes. "This was my choice to be out on the streets. I like it out here." "Hmmm, is that so? Then why is it for four years you've been crying, and in your sleep you've been screaming?" He remembers how his stomach dropped at the realization that he's been watched. All these years he's been under someone's gaze. He kept cool, calm, and collected and he's proud of himself. "I guess it has grown on me, then." He had shrugged, turned and walked slowly away. He made sure he was out of sight and he picked up pace. He ran. Away. He ran away from the man. He ran away from the offer and that sleazy grin and those taunting eyes.
That's how he ended up here. He looks around and sneers at the bright pink house he sees. It's a sickening color. His eyes are squinted and he's not used to this light. He is mesmerized by it though, and he's not stupid and he knows he shouldn't, but he stares at it. He stares at it for a long time. His eyes are hurting, burning and they're scorched but he doesn't care. "Hey, you're going to go blind!" It is off in the distance but it snaps him out of his trance and he looks in the direction is came from. "What?" He blinks multiple times to try and get his vision back and slowly it comes back, but it is dotted with colors.
He can makes out a small, skinny figure. "What," he repeats again as he got no answer. "I-I'm sorry." He's confused. The person starts to turn and his heart starts to tear. Are they afraid of him? No. No. NO. He doesn't want to be feared. Not anymore. His stomach flips and he wants to run up to the retreating figure, but instead his legs gives out and he sits on the ground. He puts his face in his hands and he lets all of the built up frustrations come out finally, in the form of heavy tears. "I hate myself," he says, talking to empty space-or so he thought. "Why?" His breath hitches and he looks up through his bangs. "W-what?" Its the person who was standing in the distance.
"Why? Why do you hate yourself?" He looks at his lap. His dirty lap. He has jeans on but they're stained from four years of dirt, and snow, and rain. "I did this to myself. I left everything behind because I thought going out on the streets would make me something higher than everyone else... I-." He stops. Who is this guy to him? No one. He doesn't need to explain his whole life story. He stands up and turns his back to the guy. He is prepared to walk but he's perplexed. Where does he go? Back to being watched? A hand grabs his arm and he feels himself being pulled in an unknown direction.
"I should've told my mom to take you home anyway." "What?" The person pulling him looks back at him with a smile. "Nothing. Nothing at all, Donghae." His eyes widen and he wants to pull away, but he sees how the other has stiffened. He's guessing this kid didn't mean to let out that he knows who he is. "We went to school together. Not here... in another neighborhood. You don't have to explain yourself. Everyone talked before, but I knew none of what the said were true."
It dawns on Donghae who this person is. His mother was the woman who felt sorry for him three years ago when she saw him on the street. This is the oh-so-familiar face. "You're older than me." The other nods. "Yeah." "I was in my first year of high school. You were in your third." The other nods. "Yeah." "My friend liked you." The other stiffened up again and skipped a beat in his walk. He looked at the ground. "Oh. Interesting."
"You know, his name is Ki-." "Bum. Kibum. I know." Donghae looks at the older with a look of doubt on his face. "What? How'd you know?" "I don't just know guys two grades below me who I've never had a single class with." Donghae looks at the ground feeling a blush grow on his cheeks for no reason. "You had a thing for Kibum too?" The other glances through the corner of his eye at Donghae. "Yeah. For Kibum."
I hope it's enjoyable right now (: There are two other parts to it.
Chapter 2