Title: My heart's racing, and I'm not used to that being a good thing
Fandom: Firefly
Characters/Pairings: Simon/Kaylee, a little bit of River
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Nah, not really. It's set somewhere near the beginning of the series. So erm, awkward Simon? Do we need warning for that?
Word Count: A little bit less that 1400
Summary: She’s never felt more important than under the doctor’s intense stare. Even if it’s just her hand. And with his jaw clenched and hair that she can’t remember ever seeing out of place, her hand is pretty lucky. A visit to the infirmary + Simon's inability to talk to women = this fic.
Author’s Note: Written for
zombie-boogie ^_^ And I was sat on it for ages, feeling like a failure, so I just decided to post it. Hope you like it.
Fic: My heart's racing, and I'm not used to that being a good thing Please, read and review ^_^