1) Are your parents married or divorced?
Happily married last I saw of 'em.
2) Vegetarian?
3) Heaven?
Funny, that. Back where I was raised I believed in God like most other folk living on that planet. Then I guess I just kinda forgot about belief when I was adventuring all through the 'verse... Until Shepherd joined us. Now I'm not sure anymore.
4) Come close to dying?
Once or twice... I'd rather not talk about it.
5) What jewelry do you wear?
Nothing special, dangly stuff gets in the way when I'm working. I do have a couple necklaces picked up from various markets though.
6) Are you eating?
Not at the moment, but...
7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
Yup. It's healthy!
8) Makeup?
Does engine oil count? Um... A few times. It was nice. :)
9) Virgin?
Me? Ah, nope!
10) Would you ever have plastic surgery?
Now, why would I go and do that?
11) What do you wear to bed?
Loose pants and an old tshirt or tank top.
12) Have you ever done anything illegal?
Why, I'm just a humble mechanic. Smuggling, aiding fugitives, what?
13) Can you roll your tongue?
Let me see... Yep!
14) Pluck your eyebrows?
15) What kind of watch(es) do you wear?
None, usually.
16) Abortion?
Seems like a good option to have available... Don't tell my folks though.
17) Hair color?
Light brown. Nothing spectacular about it.
18) Future child's name?
Gee, um... I haven't thought much about having a family and all...
19) Do you snore?
Not that I know of.
20) If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go?
Anywhere? Hmm... Someplace fancy and luxurious. That'd be fun.
21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
I tend to sleep with Serenity's engine. I probably would if I had any.
22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Buy brand-new parts for Serenity and spares of each.
23) Gold or silver?
Er, both are very nice and valuable.
24) Hamburger or hot dog?
I'm not picky.
25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
26) Beach, city, or country?
Either beach or city. Originally from the country, it's not bad, but I've been there, y'know?
27) Who was the last person you touched?
I...don't know.
28) Where do you eat?
Usually with the others in the dining area. Sometimes grab a snack to take with me while I work.
29) When's the last time you cried?
...When I finished building that model.
30) Have you loved somebody so much it makes you cry?
31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
Do coveralls count? I wear those regularly.
32) Ever been involved with the police?
Like, the Alliance? Um. I've never worked with them.
33) Believe in Santa?
Did when I was little!
34) Do you talk in your sleep?
Don't think so, nope.
35) beach or pool
I'd love to go to a beach... But maybe pool's better to start with since I don't know how to swim.
36) Can you cross your eyes?
37) What's your favorite song at the moment?
I'll get back to you on that after I've listened to more.
38) Window seat or aisle?
...Engine room!
39) Ever met any famous bands/singers/actors?
40) Do you feel that you've ever had a truly successful relationship?
I...hope to feel that way. Soon.
41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
Twirling is more fun!
42) Rickie Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
43) Would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery of any kind if confronted?
Wouldn't get it in the first place.
44) How long does your shower last?
Fifteen minutes average. Can't afford long showers most of the time. :(
45) Do you drive stick?
I bet I could learn.
46) Cake or ice cream?
Oooh. Tough choice. Ice cream is more of a...luxury, I guess.
47) Where'd it go?
I dunno, somewhere else?
48) What time do you get up?
Depends. Schedules get kinda flexible on a ship.
49) Have you ever given money to a bum?
I don't often have the change to spare.
50) When was your first crush?
Boy in my class, way back when I was a little girl. ...He had a shiny new toy truck.
51) Where do you wish you were?
Nowhere in particular! I wish someone else were right here though.
52) Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I sure hope not.
53) Ever been given a ring?
No, but... Maybe someday?
54) Longest relationship?
I haven't had a lot of long relationships (yet?)
55) Last gift you received:
Does this vacation count?
56) Last sport you played?
Basketball in the cargo bay!
57). Things you spend a lot of money on?
I don't spend much money on anything, unless it's parts for Serenity. ...My captain bought me an expensive dress once though!
58) Where do you live?
In Serenity.
59) High school you attend(ed):
60) Last wedding attended:
Wash and Zoe's!
61) Favorite fast food restaurant:
Anything's fine by me.
62) Where do you work:
On the ship, in the engine room.
63) Can you cook?
Yup! Nothing fancy or complicated, but I'm all right.
64) Most hated food:
Weeeell, sometimes the stuff we keep on the ship gets dull...
65) Can you sing?
Sometimes I will when I'm working and don't have anything new to share with Serenity.
66) Last concert attended:
67) Favorite Nonalcoholic drink:
Orange juice.
68) Favorite Alcoholic drink:
Not real picky, but I like things that pack a punch.
69) Current Crush?
I don't think it's necessarily a crush at this point...
Okay! Now, I got a project to do~ ;)