Jun 19, 2008 21:43
I saw The Hulk last Sunday. I must say, an excellent movie.
Especially when compared with shitty "emo Hulk in the desert", which I've never actually seen, but feel qualified to expound upon because I heard about it and because this is the internet and I can say what I want.
Back to The Hulk that I did see...
The acting was amazing. The effects were good. Ed Norton was an AWESOME Bruce Banner. Liv Tyler had an amazing performance. The story was compelling. It was dark, yet not ridiculous. It was incredibly human. The Hulk got big and mean and threw shit at other shit and people...including at one point a lightning storm. I really liked how as Hulk, Bruce was still able to recognize Betty as his "mate" for all intents and purposes.
Also good: when he first goes Hulk in the movie and you can hear an almost plaintive growl of "leave me alone".
And Stan Lee's cameo...priceless.