(no subject)

Dec 31, 2003 16:37


Noise by Chevauchee; Viggo/Orlando
It's the shifting of the bed that wakes Orlando. A subtle, quiet piece, despite the title. Short and sweet.

Thank God for Fish Tanks and Bottles by Rabbit; Viggo/Orlando
You still live in that hope, but I've met it face to face, and it's afraid to look me in the eye anymore. Despite my inherent prickling at first-person storytelling, I'm not sure this one would've worked any other way. Just a scene, really, not even a full-blown story, but it's more than enough.

De.crescendo by Zarah; Viggo/Orlando
There's a thin line between sexy and slutty, and Orlando knows he's good. He's sexy, but he hasn't touched slutty yet. Won't. He doesn't think Vigoo would go for slutty, so sexy it is. Mmm, cross-dressing!kink, and I will not think about what a disgustingly pretty girl Orlando would make. No, really. But this is such a fun little story, with all the hobbits in their mischievous glory, and one hell of a sexy kiss.

Working my way through the list of stories I posted before I left for NY, and finally got around to reading Calico's Blood Oranges, which I think I'd been sort of unconsciously avoiding because I was afraid I wasn't ready for the inevitable porn factor. But overall it was pretty low on the porn scale, and really very enjoyable. Because Orlando is a twelve year-old girl, really, but who wouldn't be about Viggo? Only problem is that it's a WIP, so now I'm all itchy for more with no way to know when it's coming. Grr.

Also read and enjoyed Kyra Leon's Panoramic, and for some reason can't shake the feeling I'd read it before. Mmmm, creepy deja vu-type feeling.

And finally, finally got around to reading Mosaic. Good stuff. I'd love to structure a fic like that and have it work this well.
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