A Very Wall-E Christmas

Dec 24, 2009 17:49

My sister came over today where we made Christmas dinner a day early cuz that's how we roll.

There wasn't too much disaster! And everything was made awesome-r by posing the Wall-E figure that she got for Christmas with everything.

So, without further ado, a picture heavy Merry Wall-E Christmas to you all.

The first thing we made was California Casserole for lunch. It turned out fine, if a little too juicy. Not sure what we did wrong, but it was still yummy. A little too much sausage I think.

Then we tried Gordon Ramsay's Crab Spring Rolls

...lulz. Spring roll wrappers are freakin' hard to work with man. We had issues getting them started, then issues with them sticking to the pan then...meh. I thought they tasted okay, sister didn't care for 'em. They pre-sensed her dislike and splatter burned her. :(

Wall-E didn't like them either.

Next were ham roll ups! How do people get big roll ups, we do not understand. They were still yummy though.

Then to dinner! We made homemade mac & cheese which ended up being dry :/

And cheddar mashed potatoes!

And ham! Sister: "Don't turn that over, there's juice in it." Me: *...turns over OH SHIT D:*

There was also cranberry sauce and corn on the cob.

But alas, robots can't eat :(

Desserts! We had candy and Red Velvet cake. Wall-E approves of cake.

Wall-E also helped with the decorations, awwww such a good robot.


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