I can do this...

Dec 11, 2012 08:06

One 5-page paper in 4 hours. Totally can do this. THEN I'LL BE DONE!

Too bad about 15 minutes was wasted because my contact decided to not be placed properly and have an adventure in my eye. That was great fun. @_@

EDIT: Except I thought it was 4 pages, aaaaaand it wants fucking Chicago-style. If it weren't for this damned class, I'd never have used any format other than MLA. The fuck, LGBT class. At least I closed tumblr, but I still don't think I have enough time. Oops. Okay, bye now. >>;;

EDIT 2: Nope, not gonna be five pages, aaaaaand I don't care. Also, my stomach is fucking with me. To hell with everything. @_@

fuck you stomach, tmi has tmi, calling shenanigans, college

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