Meme Meme Meme...

Aug 30, 2012 22:05

I went back through old memes I've done, and this is one of my faves. I'll list what fandoms I used, so if you don't know it, you can look it up for pairings to see if you can guess. Good luck, dears.

Make up descriptions for all your pairings and post them; see if other people can guess what tags go to which pairings. (Obviously not ALL my pairings, but a bunch. These pairings are from: Mass Effect series, Dragon Age series, The World Ends With You, Avengers movie, Captain America: the First Avenger, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, BBC Sherlock)

01. "Follow my lead." "Screw that!" Joshua/Neku (TWEwY) guessed by lippykid
02. "I hope my enthusiasm doesn’t seem unprofessional... Heh, I can’t stop grinning."
03. "Do you want to guess what color my underclothes are again?" "Oh, yes, that's much more fun."
04. "I thought you were dead." "I thought you were smaller." Steve/Bucky (CA:tFA) guessed by aubreys_master
05. "But those stories you heard? All true." "Really. Even the ones that talk about how you all... you know... get paid to..." "Especially those ones." "Wow. I am totally in the wrong order." Zevran/Alistair (DA:O) guessed by daggerpen
06. "I'm glad no one saw that." "Mm?" "You ripping my clothes off in a darkened swimming pool. People might talk." ""People do little else." John/Sherlock (BBC Sherlock) guessed by lippykid
07. "Have you ever noticed that I carry a sniper rifle? You’re the one who likes things at your range." "And you prefer to keep everything at a distance." "Exactly. ...wait, what?"
08. "Stop it!" "Can't I say hello to anyone?" Jack/Doctor (DW) guessed by larsinger29
09. "Do you even like me?" "Sometimes." "But you like what I do to you. Do you trust me?" "Never."
10. "Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity." "Actually, I'm planning to threaten you." Loki/Tony (Avengers) guessed by aubreys_master

meme, squareenix owns my soul, i think we're talking about the wrong dr, mass effect cores are hot, gaming

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