I need a life AKA I need to stop beating new games within a week of getting them...

Aug 19, 2012 15:36

Yep, I beat Mass Effect 3. But Gloria, you say, we didn't even know you BOUGHT that game. Yeah, well, I'm surprised, since I lucked out when buying it. There was a sale, and the used PS3 version of ME3 said $17. Muwahaha, and that's how much I paid. I informed GameStop they should fix that, but I better get that price. Muwahaha. >>;;

So yeah. Beat it with my Vangaurd BroShep, Earth-born, War Hero, Paragon ('cept when people were such total douchebags they needed to be punched or something), romanced Kaidan, and Destroy ending with alive BroShep. Yeah. This game tore me to pieces and put me back together over and over until the ending. The ending was just...no feels. None.

Also, accidentally shot at the holo kid. Okay, no accident about it, but fuck, I just wanted to, dammit. And that triggered the Refusal ending from the extended cut DLC. Ooops. Didn't watch that bs. Try again. @_@

Other than the ending this, game made me cry and laugh a lot, but I'm kiiiinda stuck on the sad feels right now, sooooo, I'm gonna list songs that pretty much will always make me tear up. No specific order:

1. Mass Effect 3 - An End Once And For All
2. Mass Effect 3 - I Was Lost Without You
3. Final Fantasy X - Ending Theme
4. Sarah McLachlan - Angel (don't you dare judge me!)
5. Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
6. Doctor Who - Doomsday

I thought there were more. Probably are, but too caught up in my ME3 playlist RANDOMLY returning to those first two songs OVER AND OVER. ;-; Oh, wait, now it's playing Purgatory. MOOD WHIPLASH! *dances, but not nearly as badly as Commander Shepard*

mass effect cores are hot, gaming, music, well that was depressing

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