Haven't posted in a bit. Haven't felt the need? No one's really here... Ehh... (Light trigger warning for mention of watching some who was dying terribly aaaaand mentions of why we're a rape culture; those two things are not wholly related.)
So, hung out with the Beckaboo and her boy. Interesting weekend. Wanted to punch a handful of boys at the party. Okay, specifically one, who really didn't get why he was inappropriate. One, when playing a truth game, you do not ask "what was the most depressing thing you've ever seen?" No, honey, that's not a party game question. That's something you find out from a person when you're close enough to them.
As with most things, my comeback to that question (which was posed at Bek, thus I asked him if anyone ever died in his life, since he seems to not understand that can easily be in the 'not good' category) was thought up later. My answer to that? Probably when I had a watch an old lady dying as her family was waiting for her to go. I have mentioned the living skeleton, yeah? >>;; That woulda been my answer, just to see if it would have made him flinch, because I'm a bitch.
Of course, this dumbfuck didn't stop his fuckery there. He didn't give up on the question when the whole table told him, uhhh, no, man. Okay, fine, he's stupid. Whatever. Nothing new. But something later he said pissed me off too. And here is number two: calling his pants rape pants. And look at that, this is why we're a RAPE CULTURE. *scowl* I mean, it wouldn't have pissed me off so much if he had maybe phrased it differently? I can give a little slack if it's like...a video game thing, since I've said I've been 'raped' in video games, but no more slack than that.
So yeah. Not too happy with that bs. This kid needed more depth and less dumbfuck. ON A BETTER NOTE, I will be getting a full refund for the fix on my netbook (I sent it in to get repaired, since it wasn't taking a charge). That money is going towards a laptop, since the netbook thing clearly didn't works out so well. Oh, and my current laptop is 5 years old and has a tendency of overheating. I'm preempting, man. And no more HP. I'm done with them for now. @_@ Toshiba is likely the next one.