Ugh, gonna die...

Apr 24, 2012 21:36

This week is kicking my ass like no other. I have a 'job interview' in Italian tomorrow. It's the oral final for my Italian Business class. I need to write up my CV too, in Italian. ;-; Just kill me now. Please.

I just want to play Dragon Age and pretend the world doesn't exist? Is that too much? Maybe write some fic. Ignore the fact DC Comics is taunting me by having my OTP being fucking CIVIL. (You bitches couldn't have done that when I could still give a fuck?) WAFFLES. I hate you, DC. So fucking hard. You are not dragging me back with waffles. They could fuck, and you still couldn't get me back. I hold grudges. ...though, if Didio were to just die in an ironic way, I may be pacified.

Okay, no, that wouldn't pacify me, but I'd just write happy porn to celebrate. *is a bitch* I GET BITCHIER WHEN I CAN'T KILL THINGS, OKAY!? DARKSPAWN NEEDS TO BE KILLED! THERE IS AN ANDERS TO HIT ON! A SER POUNCE-A-LOT TO COO ABOUT! And wishing Alistair made more than a cursory appearance. ...with less glitching, game. Really.

*sigh* I started writing Dragon Age: Origins fanfic. I can't help it. There's a VIRGIN. He's ASKING to be deflowered by the whore in the group, dammit. Hell, he asks his advice. ...and maybe a tattoo. ALISTAIR, YOU INNOCENT THING! <3

Aside: I see Bek tomorrow after my final. I will be crying in her bosom, since I feel Zevran's lines of Wynne will have better luck than Zev had in game. >>;; Ladies like to have their bosoms called magical, yeah? "I know. I am terrible and it makes me sad. May I rest my head in your bosom? I wish to cry." Hah, no one believe that anymore from me than Zev. Though, I have found on at least one occasion that a lady does not mind letting me rest my head on her bosom. XD Maybe I'M the magical one.

Also, Shake It Out by Florence + the Machine is a Dragon Age: Origins song. DON'T DIE, WARDEN! >>;; Dark sex rituals fix all the things?

like i need another obsession, rant, comics, college, beeeeeeeek, gaming, homework, my muses need to listen to me!, random, music

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