This Icon Only Partially Conveys My Day...

Mar 30, 2012 23:41

SO, I woke up freezing and stayed in bed until way past 10am even thought I had gone to bed before midnight. Apparently the heater broke. Went to ask the mama why everything was damned cold, and she was outside talking to the cousin (not the ex-basement one, just his sister). Mama is so sick of her problems, for serious. >>;; That girl needs to stop dating. It never helps her already shitty situations.

But on better news front, heat got fixed (at 6ish, but whatever, I am WARM now!), but before that, got an e-mail saying my financial hold was gone! Yay. So I got my classes. It was so refreshing to be signing into classes with no worries of them being closed because of having enough credits to go first. <3

Two Italian classes, an LGBT course, a Linguistics course (omg, yes), AND a course about Detective Lit (YES YES YES). GUESS WHO'S READING SHERLOCK HOLMES FOR HOMEWORK AT SOME POINT NEXT SEMESTER? :D And Poe and Agatha Christie, to name a few. Heeeee.

Then I made chicken pot pie today. Partially because I had the day off from classes and partially because it warmed up the house and me a bit. >>;; All in all, an okay day. Wish it had been warmer in the house, but whatever. XD

my mommy is made of awesome, yummies, deduce this sherlock, college, family, fangirling, squeal!, food

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