My Icon Won't Even Give You Clues! XD

Oct 12, 2011 11:31

Stolen from pervyficgirl: Make up descriptions for all your pairings and post them; see if other people can guess what tags go to which pairings.

01. May I de-fabricate you? Jack/Doctor, guessed by darthbatgirl
02. Every night I save you. Buffy/Spike, guessed by runespoor7
03. Three meals a day with naps. Spain/Romano, guessed by seatapp
04. Entente Cordiale. France/England, guessed by runespoor7 & seatapp
05. Be My Robin. Jason/Tim, guessed by darthbatgirl & necchan
06. Brick to the face. Steph/Tim, guessed by darthbatgirl
07. You are proof that I existed. My dreams and pride, I give it all to you. Zack/Cloud, guessed by [info]Joya Oscura []
08. I was the first person to trust you, remember? Zuko/Katara, guessed by runespoor7
09. Rosebud.
10. War, legacies, and patriotism. Bucky/Steve, guessed by schizoauthoress & pervyficgirl
11. Chocolate, video games, and guns. Matt/Mello, guessed by [info]Joya Oscura []
12. “No one would miss me.” “That's not true! I would...” Axel/Roxas, guessed by runespoor7
13. Frying pans and fluffy little birds. Hungary/Prussia, guessed by mystofthestars & seatapp
14. Blow ups, deserts, and reservations. Roy/Grant, guessed by darthbatgirl
15. Waiting in the Wings.

Fandoms: Final Fantasy Dissidia, Final Fantasy VII, Hetalia, Whedon'verse, Avatar: the Last Airbender, Doctor Who, Death Note, Kingdom Hearts, Marvel, and DCU.

A few of these are a bit hard, but some are easy, and I may be disappointed if you guys miss them. XD

meme, it calls to me

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