Aug 20, 2011 09:39
Bek's gonna be here in about two hours or so. <3 Art bitch should be around at some point too. We're gonna watch New Who. XD Of course, I need to get Bek to watch non-Torchwood Jack, because he's a completely better character than what's seen in Torchwood. And I need more Jack. >>;; Also, the scene with Nine-Rose-Doctor being nerds and going IN TIME AND SPACE! :D Poor Mickey. >>;;
Aaaand off to get dressed, paint my nails TARDIS blue, and vacuum my room. XD And make sure I give Bek her Cap Bucky pendent of sexy AWESOME! :D
EDIT: I have conquered the malicious vacuum cleaner! Usually, it hits me. >>;; ...on the head. Shut up. I fail at it, okay!? >>;;
EDIT 2: Bek left about 2:30pm. Suck, but we got through The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances, and Boomtown. I have made a Jack lover of her now. >>;; Don't blame her for not falling in love with Jack through Torchwood. Too much angst, not enough Into Time! And Space! :D *needs to make a Nine/Rose/Jack icon, lol*
art bitch is made of awesome,
adventure times,
i think we're talking about the wrong dr,