Jun 02, 2011 02:12
So, hung out with the bff today. We managed to watch the rest of season 2 of Hetalia and the Paint it White movie. It was fun~ <3
In other news, I don't think I've mentioned, but my eye has been bothering me. The other day, it turns out, my eye doctor told me my eye wanted to be allergic to my contacts. Oh hell no. Eye doctor goes on to say that most eye doctors would say where glasses for two months. Ha, no. Don't have my back ups yet even (though, I shoulda had those for years, oops).
BUT, my eye doctor is awesome and proceeded to say BUT I wouldn't make you do anything I wouldn't do. XD So, I'm doing an allergy eye drop regiment. They were expensive bitches, which my insurance decided not to cover. At this point, I'm better off without it, I swear. :/ Poor mama. She's been taking care of that, but I'm an adult, so I have to talk to the people. Bah. Like I know how to do that. (Side note: The bff and I talked about this, and how American schools should have classes to learn this kinda shit. You know, bill paying, insurance, credit, buying a house, ect. Mmmhm, teaching people to balance a checkbook helps. Suuure. I didn't even get that from my high school.)
Side note: My eye doctor is pretty awesome and gives me tips about Italy and language jobs every time I'm there. XD He's very useful and awesome. <3 And gives me free contacts and contact solution a lot. Hell, if he had it, he woulda given me the drops too, but alas, it is allergy season, so he had run out. XD I have a pretty wicked eye doctor, man.
Oh, and this eye drop regiment does better with daily contacts? Ummm, my prescription is one number short of where they stop making them. I'm -11.00, and they stop at -10.00. Understandable, since people like me, I'm sure, do not want to wake up blind every morning. I've been doing it for a week (even before I went to the eye doctor, so see if it'd help), and I hate it. I mean, my prescription means I'm legally blind. >>;;
The only good thing about my prescription? When I'm an old lady, I'll have perfect vision, since eye deterioration with age is the opposite way of my prescription. HA! My eyes will get better now! >>;; Only upside, man. Only upside. @_@
Aaaaaaaaand, I should be asleep, but I totally conked out at 9ish. >>;; Always bad for my sleep schedule. >>;;
real life goes nom nom nom,