Title: Like Cosplay
Fandom: FFVII
Character(s): Zack, Aeris, Cloud
Pairing(s): pre-Zack/Cloud
Word Count: 194
Genre: general/humor
Rating: PG-13/T
Notes: This was also written for the
2007 Final Fantasy Kissing Battle. Request was "FFVII - Zack/Cloud or Aeris." This an AU where Zack is part of the party during FFVII.
Final Fantasy Kissing Battle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Aeriiis~!” Zack whined as he, Aeris, and Cloud left the gym with two pairs of wigs, one black and one blond.
Aeris spun around to look at Zack with a giggle. “Zack, its just like cosplaying!”
“...cosplaying?” Cloud questioned, blushing as he held the blond wig he was going to wear.
Zack quickly covered Cloud’s ears. “Ahh, Aeris~! Don’t corrupt poor Spike!” Zack complained as he kissed Cloud on the cheek.
Cloud’s cheeks heated up as he pulled away from Zack. “Z-zack! We’re on a mission!” Cloud stuttered.
Zack waved a hand. “Yeah, yeah, find Tifa and find out what Don Corneo knows. I know,” Zack paused. “Spikey, do you love Tifa more then meee~?”
Cloud sputtered, and Zack laughed. “I’m kidding with you, Cloud!” Zack said, as he put an arm around Cloud's shoulders.
Aeris smiled. “C’mon, boys! We gotta get you fitted in those dresses and maybe few more accessories!” she exclaimed as she started towards the dress shop.
Zack and Cloud followed for a moment. “Wait, what accessories!?” Cloud and Zack exclaimed in unison as they chased after Aeris for answers.