FFVI/FFIX Fanfic: Crybaby

May 10, 2011 23:53

Title: Crybaby
Character(s): Eiko, Zidane, Garnet, Relm, mentions of Strago, Celes, Beatrix, & Steiner
Pairing(s): Zidane/Garnet
Word Count: 261
Genre: humor
Rating: K+/PG
Notes: Original prompts at one of my memes was "Eiko(FFIX), Relm(FFVI): those silly adults." And the prompt at ff_love was cry, and I used it for my Relm challenge with green. Relm meets Eiko. Havoc ensues.
Link: FF Crossover Meme & ff_love & esper_cave


“You made him cry!”

“I did not!” Eiko shouted, scrunching her nose at Zidane.

Zidane raised an eyebrow. “Then why is it that is saw Rusty running to his room, wailing and his helm rusted shut?” he asked, slightly amused by the predicament Steiner was in.

“I didn’t do anything!” she shouted again. “He met Relm! It’s not my fault!”

“Relm?” Zidane questioned curiously.

“Yeah, I met her when her Grandfather came into town, escorting a General that wanted to meet Beatrix,” Eiko paused. “Another Lady General!”

“Oh! That blonde bombshell!” Zidane recognized with a grin. “She was a looker.”

“A looker, huh?” a voice questioned from behind Zidane, making him jump.

“Garnet!” Zidane exclaimed in surprise.

“Why are you looking at other women, Zidane?” Garnet questioned, hands on her hips.

Zidane laughed nervously, glancing at Eiko who was giggling at his misfortune. “Uhh, can we take this into another room?” he asked nervously, gesturing to Eiko.

Garnet nodded, grabbing his arm. “Yes, let’s go,” she answered, a mischievous gleam in her eye.

Eiko watched them go, not feeling her usual green-eyed monster bubbling up in her stomach. “Hey, Relm, you hiding around that column?” Eiko asked.

Relm jumped out from behind the column with a grin. “I made him cry?” Relm asked with a grin.

Eiko nodded, smiling. “Yup! His helmet even rusted shut!” Eiko exclaimed, laughing.

“All because of my little paintings?” Relm asked innocently, just before joining Eiko in her giggle fit.

“Silly adults!” they exclaimed together, just before running off to pull another prank in the palace.

fic bundle: video games, fandom: final fantasy ix, fic bundle: crossovers, character: eiko carol, fandom: final fantasy vi, challenge: ff_love, character: zidane tribal, character: garnet til alexandros xvii, fanfiction, character: relm arrowny, fic bundle: final fantasies, meme: ff crossover, pairing: zidane/garnet, claim: esper_cave: relm arrowny (color)

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