Memes & Things

Apr 24, 2011 23:08

I've been kinda all over the place today. A bit nauseated but that was mostly okay. I've been tired all day and kinda outta it. :/ Playing with baby Laila helped. XD She wanted my netbook. >>;; And she's probably gonna walk before she crawls. D'awww ( Read more... )

holidays, meme, family

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shiny_glor_chan April 25 2011, 12:23:24 UTC
I got 8 hours last night. That should be good. >>;; I have a costume to work on for next weekend because I have a comic con to go to. <<;; Lol, and the first person that gives me Hetalia gives me crack! XD

1. *looks at both of them* I...dunno how they'd have sex. Iceland as always seemed a bit...passive to me, though the Nordics can rile him up... Then again, I tend to think everyone switches. THIS QUESTION IS HARD! ...I'll go with Iceland. *hides from Romano muse*
2. Ooh, Romano. He's Italian, after all! He's always looking good. XD
3. An Italian name or Romano will bitch a fit. Iceland will probably draw the line at naming the kid after any famous soccer players.
4. ...Romano. >>;;
5. Uhhhhh... Them talking at all...? Have they talked? Maybe I should look up Italian-Icelandic foreign relations... XD


1. I think he's such an awkward puppy. And that he's probably HRE, because they're BOTH really awkward puppies. XD
2. ...Italy. Ahh, I dunno if I could break these two up. >>;; Lol, but I pretty much read anything anyways. >>;;
3. Prussia! The shenanigans! And beer. Lots and lots of beer.
4. I won't be CRUSHED if he's not HRE? *shrugs* I like AU fics, and that'd be an excuse for it, so why not.
5. ...that he is HRE. Haha, Imma contradicting myself, wheeeeeee~


counterheist April 25 2011, 23:46:54 UTC
Hey it involves Romano; that makes it wonderful crack.

Italian-Icelandic foreign relations: info on them is pretty scarce. But apparently Italy imports Icelandic ham.

I have a minor fandom mission to write this pairing so convincingly that people think 'huh I could see that' before they think 'what the fuck but it's south italy and iceland where the fuck did this come from???'

Gerita's my favorite pair for him as well. :)

Re 4: ehhh, I don't think that's such an unpopular opinion. I could go either way and not really mind. And HRE =/= Germany makes for angst-tastic pairing scenarios with N.Italy going 'but I promised to love that one forever but I love this one oh shit.'


shiny_glor_chan April 26 2011, 00:07:06 UTC
Hehehe. Like Romano/Poland? Goddammit, I kinda want that now. >>;;

Haha, Italian relations about another country revolving around food? *GASP* <3

...those are great missions. I've had it happen in my last fandom. It's fuuuuun. Haha.

Lol, this just proves that I don't listen to popular opinion. I just float along~ Wheeee. XD


counterheist April 27 2011, 04:53:25 UTC
Yesssssss there should be more Romano pairings.

And things that revolve around food are good things.

That sounds like a good life/internet attitude. Probably the healthiest.


shiny_glor_chan April 27 2011, 13:28:57 UTC
Mmm, Romano orgy? Haha, he'd be so pissed about that, somehow. >>;;

I wish my tummy would agree with that more often. @___@

Yaaaay, I'm healthy in some area~! Yaaaaaay, occasional obliviousness pays off! XD


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