
Apr 18, 2011 09:12

My braaaaaaaain. Ugh, my head hurts. It makes writing 150 words in Italian molto difficile. *headdesk* And I wanna go back to bed. >>;; Luckily, the mama is home, so I'm gonna have her drive me to the train station because I'm a spoiled brat. >>;;

I should care more about this Italian composition, but man, I'm so passed caring for things. @_@ The next few weeks are going to be a special kind of hell. Easter means family time. Gag. Thursday I have a proposal due for my Queer American Studies paper (which, at least, can be on slash fanfiction, thank all the deities EVER) then I stay and see a play for extra credit for Speech class. Then I'll have to write a paper on that.

So, how many papers do I have, you ask? Good questions. Let's see. I found out about the 8 page Queer American Studies paper last week, I have 10-12 page paper for Death & Dying class (which will be on Italian soccer because I'm awesome at tying in things I like to classes, apparently), 2 page paper for Speech class about the play I'm gonna see, and any other compositions my Italian teacher may throw at me. Fuck. Oh, and this week my Italian teacher is going to tell us about the oral presentation we'll be doing the week after. Son of a bitch. >>;;

And I'll be missing the last day of classes because I'll be on a bus on my way back from Boston and the Boston Comic Con. ...which means I need to finish my Spoiler costume by next Friday (not this Friday coming up, the one after). At least I got the mama to pay for the bus tickets that ended up costing more than they were supposed to. @______@

my mommy is made of awesome, rant, holidays, apathy makes the world go 'round, homework, college, family

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