I Don't Even...

Mar 04, 2011 01:52

My thinking license should be revoked after a certain time at night or after weird sleeping patterns. I blame this icon:
for the following idea. Oh, and Batman.

Oh, I guess I should blame _sephet_ for encouraging me. Or am I encouraging her to draw it? It's both?

Yeah, so. Bat Dinos. Bat!Dino's parents are deeeeeead. Then it spiraled from there. To Robins (which makes Pre-Crisis Jay's parents' death easiest; Croc goes nom nom nom) and Bat villains. Then my brain tried to figure out Booster Gold, and it all went down hill from there.

He'd be like bones! 'Cause the future has no live Dinos! D: He'd be really shiny bones? And Ted would be some huge blue prehistoric beetle, and they'd be in love until Maxwell Lord-Rex came along and SMOOSHED the beetle and and and- *sob*


robins, it calls to me, blame | other people can has it, jason is cuter than you, look shiny!, made me giggle, meta, blame | can has for awesome, plot bunnies, random, ims

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