DCU Fanfic: A Changing Situation

Jan 15, 2011 22:54

Title: A Changing Situation
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph, Roy
Pairing(s): Roy/Steph, forming Steph/Tim
Word Count: 3231
Genre: family/comfort/smut
Rating: NC-17/MA
Notes: This has been sitting for god knows how long. I was part way through the porny bits before I chickened out. Oh het porn, why must you be so difficult for me? >>;; Also, titling kicks my ass, so I stole the title from the Crisis Core soundtrack. (And this is my second entry for pornday!) Don't read this without reading Pervy and Cero's series first, or my last two installments. Just follow the series tag.
Link: Master List of Pervy's and Cero's Masters and Slaves 'verse


Dick had been a bit worried about Tim when he said he was going to the library to read. Jason just told him he was being paranoid, but Dick knew when Tim was up to something, and his little brother was definitely up to something. So, when Dick went to the library and found it vacant, he started to worry that Tim had gone to bother Stephanie.

He didn't want his little brother to get punished because he had gotten jealous. Part of him doubted Roy would want to punish his little one either, but if Tim broke the rules... Dick didn’t want Tim to have to go through what Dick had went through when they first arrived here. It didn’t hurt like his previous masters, but it was still terribly unpleasant to not be able to use any of your senses.

Shaking his head, Dick went to check out Stephanie’s chamber. He wasn’t going to go in, but he needed to make sure Tim wasn’t lurking around. Dick didn’t see Tim around, but when he was about to peek inside of Stephanie’s slightly open room, the door swung open, and the blonde girl came out. Dick jumped back around the corner as the girl headed down the hall then turned inside the library. Ignoring curiosity wasn’t any of his brothers’ strong suits, and it wasn’t quite Dick’s either, so he started for the library.

When he reached the door, Dick quietly peeked inside. Tim was curled up with a book in his favorite spot in the whole library, completely immersed in one of the books. Stephanie was there too, quietly sneaking up behind him then tapping him on the shoulder. His little brother startled, almost falling off the sofa. He looked up with wide eyes, closing his book in shock.

“Stephanie!” he exclaimed. “When did you get there?”

Stephanie giggled. “I’ve been here for a few minutes, Tim,” she said, tilting her head. “I said to call me Steph, remember.”

Tim flushed, and Dick knew that Tim had definitely sneaked into the girl’s room earlier. “Okay, Steph,” Tim murmured quietly, biting his lip for a moment. “Wanna read with me? I could get another book-”

“No, I wanna see the one you’re reading,” she cut in as she walked around to couch and plopped down next to him, pretty close. “It’s a porn book, right? They’re always fun to read.”

Dick covered his mouth, so he wouldn’t be heard laughing; he can’t remember the last time Tim was that red without their master being in the room. “I-I...girls like porn books?” Tim questioned, shifting a bit closer to the armrest of the couch.

Stephanie snorted. “Well, yeah. I’m a sex slave, too, Tim,” she stated, snatching the book from him. “My last master made me like sex, so I like to know new things I can do with it.”

“Oh,” Tim said as she opened to the page he was on. “I, um...I don’t know much about girls, so...”

“So you were reading up on them,” Stephanie finished for him. “That’s nice of you. Is master the kind that likes watching his slaves have sex with each other?”

“Sometimes,” Tim replied, still rather flushed. “I...I’ve never been with a girl, so just in case...”

Stephanie smiled. “You’re sweet, Tim,” she proclaimed, scooting closer and spreading the book out on both their laps. “Anything in here really confuse you? I can help explain. Being a girl and all.”

Tim glanced at her then back at the book then nodded. Dick smiled from his place at the door and pulled back, only to run right into Jason. “Dickie-bird, what are-”

Dick jumped up and covered Jason’s mouth with his hand. Jason glared, obviously about to wrench Dick’s hand off his mouth, but Dick made a shushing gesture and brought Jason to the door to watch Tim and Stephanie reading the porn book together on the couch.

“Girls...like that too?” Tim asked with a quizzical look on his face.

“Well, some girls,” Stephanie admitted.

Tim sat quietly for a moment before looking at Stephanie. “Are you one of those girls?” he questioned curiously.

Stephanie blushed. “I dunno. I haven’t tried it with anyone who was nice,” she answered.

Jason licked Dick’s hand, making Dick yelp while Jason pushed him through the door. Tim and Steph jolted from the couch as Dick tumbled in with Jason strolling in after. Dick did a somersaulted to regain his balance then got to his feet, glaring at Jason. Jason shrugged as Steph seemed to almost hide behind the book.

“Uh, hi?” Dick offered, elbowing Jason in the ribs when started chuckling.

“Dick, what were you and Jason doing at the door?” Tim asked suspiciously, frowning when he noticed Steph. “You’re scaring her.”

“They’re not,” Stephanie muttered, a little flustered. “I’m just not used to being around so many men...”

Dick frowned. “I’m sorry if we startled you,” he apologized, giving Jason a look. “Right, Jay?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry too,” Jason offered, looking Tim and Stephanie over. “I was just minding my own business until Dickie here dragged me into spying on you too.”

“Hey!” Dick exclaimed as Stephanie giggled. “Well, at least we made her laugh. Better than scared.”

Stephanie huffed. “I wasn’t scared,” she stated defiantly. “I was a little...surprised, that’s all. I didn’t know all master’s slaves were sneaky.”

“I’m not that sneaky,” Jason stated as he plopped into a chair near where Tim and Steph were sitting. “That’s more Timmy than me, but I figure you found that out earlier.”

“I did,” she said giving Tim a smile before looking up at Dick. “Okay, so you’re Dick, I know Tim, and he’s Jason, right?”

“Yup,” Dick replied as he straddled the armrest that Tim was sitting next to. “And you’re Stephanie.”

“Call me Steph,” she told him, closing the porn book. “I...think I should head back to my chamber. I didn’t tell master that I was ready to leave and...”

“That’s fine,” Roy’s voice said from the doorway. “I did wonder where you went off to, but I’m glad you met my boys.”

Steph and the boys looked to the doorway, seeing Roy leaning there. “Hello, master,” Steph said as she pushed the book off her lap and onto the couch before she got up to walk over to Roy. “I was going to wait, but...”

“It’s all right,” Roy told her, running a hand through her blond hair. “I’m just glad all of you are getting along. Stephanie, mind if I take you away from the boys for a bit?”

Steph shook her head. “No, master, I don’t mind,” she answered, glancing back at the boys. “Am I allowed to ask where we’re going?”

Roy gave her a smile. “I want to get to know you better, since you’ll be staying with us,” he replied.

Curiously, Steph looked back at the boys who were all grinning a bit. “He’s a good master, don’t worry,” Tim offered soothingly; the idea of Roy with this girl bothered him less than it had earlier once he spoke with her.

“Go ahead. You’ll fun have with my lord if you let it happen,” Dick added encouragingly.

Jason snorted. “Yeah, yeah, what they said, girlie,” he stated.

Steph hadn’t expected such encouragement from the other slaves. “Okay,” Steph replied, a little warily only because of how new this was; even though her last master had been nice, it didn’t mean she was completely trusting.

“Then, come with me,” Roy told her, offering her his hand before looking to the boys. “If the door’s unlocked tonight, you guys can come right in to sleep. If not, you can share one of your beds. I trust you all know the rules for that.”

“Of course, my lord,” Tim replied as his brothers nodded in agreement as Steph took Roy’s hand.

With that, Roy and Steph left the room, heading for his private bathroom.


“The bathroom, master...?” Steph questioned, looking around curiously.

Roy nodded as he began to run the water for the tub. “Yes. I thought you’d enjoy a bath,” he said as the water filled the tub. “Bathe with me?”

Steph smiled. “That sounds nice,” she replied, looking up at Roy. “Would you like me to undress you?”

“Only if you wish to, Stephanie,” Roy told her. “I’m not going to force you into anything.”

Placing her hands on the hem of Roy’s shirt, she grinned. “You’re not forcing me. I’m curious,” she said, slowly pulling his shirt up. “Your other slaves seem genuinely happy here. I want to be happy too...”

Roy raised his arms, allowing Steph to take off his shirt. “I want you to be happy as well,” he said as he cupped a hand gentle under her chin, tilting her head up for a kiss.

Making a little pleased sound, Steph moved into the kiss as her hands made quick work of Roy’s belt before deftly unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. Roy pulled away from the kiss for a moment, holding up a hand before leaning over to turn off the bathwater, so the tub wouldn’t overflow. He smiled at Steph, allowing her to strip the rest of his clothes away, leaving him gloriously naked.

Steph frowned a bit at the scars, reaching for them before stilling her hand. “May I touch, my lord?” she asked, eyes fixated on the criss-crosses and scarred flesh.

“Go ahead, Stephanie,” he replied, and she ran her hand down his chest, fingering the scars there.

“I have never seen so many scars on a master,” Steph said truthfully, a bit in awe.

Roy hummed. “The boys said that as well,” he told her as he gently caught her hand. “I’m an archer for the army. I do not always come out unharmed.”

Steph grasped the hand holding hers as he lead her into the tub. “Do you bathe with your slaves often, master?” she questioned as she sank into the water with him.

“Quite often,” Roy answered as he squeezed her hand. “Tim quite enjoys our private tub time.”

“Oh. I’m not intruding on that, am I?” Steph asked as she shifted to sit in front of Roy.

Roy looked thoughtful for a moment. “I suppose you may ask him that later, but Tim seems okay with it when his brothers join us or have their own private tub time with me.”


“Yes, to an effect,” he replied. “They kept together as much as possible, even with the terrible masters they’ve had, though they are not blood related.”

Steph nodded. “They must care about each other very much,” she murmured.

“Very,” Roy agreed, stroking Steph’s cheek.

For a moment, Steph quietly mulled over the new information about the boys. “May I wash you?”

Roy gave his assent, passing Steph the soap and washcloth. She lathered up the cloth then began to rub in soft circles on his chest and his arms. Smiling when she heard him make a pleased noise, Steph moved the cloth lower, ducking her hand under the water to wash his legs and genitals. Soon, she ditched the cloth completely, wrapping her fingers around his length.

“This okay?” she questioned, stroking him firmly.

“Yes,” Roy breathed as he grabbed the washcloth. “Though, perhaps I should wash you before we just get dirty again.”

Steph nodded, letting go of his cock. “Maybe we can play more in the bedroom?” she requested. “I mean... Unless master would like to take me here.”

Roy shook his head as he pulled her into his lap and began wash her. “This is for relaxing and getting to know each other,” he explained. “We won’t go that far until I’m sure you are ready.”

Leaning against Roy’s chest, Steph looked up at him. “That sounds good...” she murmured, relaxing a little against him.


Steph sighed happily as she fell onto her master’s bed, sprawling out comfortably. Partially because the bath had been quite relaxing, and she wanted to entice Roy. She liked him already, and she was more than willing to be bedded by him since she was nearly completely sure he would make it a pleasurable experience.

“Spread your legs for me, Stephanie,” Roy ordered as he climbed onto the bed.

She easily complied as he moved to kneel between her legs. Before she could ask if there was anything else Roy wanted her to do, his hand caressed her mound. Steph made a little surprised sound as he spread open her folds, fingers teasing her, though she tried to suppress the sound.

“Make as much noise as you like,” he said as his thumb rubbed slow circles on her clit. “I want to know if you’re enjoying this.”

Moaning, Steph spread her legs a bit wider. “I am,” she said, partially breathless. “Please, more, master.”

Roy gave her a wicked grin before ducking his head down to lick between Steph’s folds. She was already getting wet for him; just bathing with him had worked her up quite a bit. She moaned appreciatively when he tasted her, his tongue only barely pressing inside her as a tease.

She arched up against his mouth, though she tried to keep still underneath him. Roy didn’t seem to mind as his free hand slipped down to cup her ass, massaging the muscles there as his tongue moved, so his mouth could suck hard on her clit. Steph responded with loud, broken moan as her breathing came in pants.

His first finger teased her entrance, pushing slowly inside her pussy. “Ohh...” she groaned, pressing against that finger, wanting more.

Roy obliged by a second finger joining the first and laving her clit with his tongue. He could feel the muscles under his hand start to tense as she squirmed beneath him. Steph felt the heat pool in her stomach as she twisted her hands in sheets. Her pussy clenched hard around Roy’s fingers as she came with a shout, but his tongue and fingers just kept moving, working her through her orgasm.

Steph flopped back on the bed, panting and flushed. “Master, you’re wonderful,” she said truthfully, propping herself up on the pillow behind her and keeping her leg spread as an invitation. “I want to return the favor and make you feel good.”

Licking his finger clean of her juices, Roy contemplated her offer before sitting beside her. “This way,” he said as he pulled her into his lap, his cock hard against her pussy. “I want to see your reactions. You made the most wonderful sounds when I was licking you, Stephanie.”

She flushed as she ground down against Roy’s cock. “I...I’m glad you enjoyed them, my lord,” she replied, almost shyly.

Roy hummed as he rubbed back against her. “Mmm, very much,” he murmured, his lips on her ear. “I wonder if you’ll make more pretty sounds when I press my cock inside you.”

Steph moaned when his hot breath hit her ear, and it made her squirm. “I think I won’t be able to help myself,” she said breathily as Roy pressed the head of his cock inside her. “Aah...”

“Good,” Roy breathed, kissing at her neck as he slowly rocked inside her. “I want to hear every moan you make for me.”

“Yes...” she gasped as she rolled her hips. “You feel so good...”

He grunted against her neck as he bit down gently, testing her to see if she had a biting kink. When Steph moaned and pressed into the bite, Roy got his answer. He bit her a little harder, and she bucked in his lap, squeezing his cock with her pussy muscles.

“Mm, well, now I know my beautiful girl has a biting kink,” Roy said as he thrust into her again. “Wonder what else I can find out...”

Steph panted, wrapping her arms around his neck and her fingers curling with the short hairs at the base of his head. “I like...being close during sex,” she admitted as she pressed her chest against his.

Roy hummed in agreement as he let his hands wander her sides. “So do I,” he told her, groaning as his climax began to build. “Do you mind if I come inside you?”

“No,” she replied with a shake of her head, grinning as she ground down on his cock. “I don’t mind at all, master.”

“Little minx,” Roy said teasingly as he slipped his hand down to rub her clit.

Steph gave a little broken moan, moving into his touch and taking his cock deeper inside her in the process. Roy kept working her clit as he leaned his head down to bite the other side of her neck. She bucked against him, coming hard. He bucked up into her once more before he came inside her from the wonderful sensation of her pussy squeezing his cock when she came.

They collapsed onto the bed together, with Roy still inside her as they came down from their orgasmic highs. “Mmm,” Steph mumbled against Roy’s chest, her eyes starting droop closed.

Roy pulled out carefully, cuddling her close. “Go to the bathroom and clean up before we sleep. You don’t want to wake up to a mess between your legs,” he told her.

Steph nodded and carefully headed to the bathroom, pausing at the door. “Um, I don’t mind if you let the boys sleep in her tonight as well,” she stated before ducking into the bathroom to clean up.

Stretching a bit, Roy smiled as he climbed out of bed and opened the door to the slaves’ quarters. He fell back into bed and waited for his slaves to come to bed. Steph came back from the bathroom first and curled up on one side of him. Soon, the boys followed. Dick took the other side of Roy while Jason spooned against Dick. Tim wandered in last with a slight pout. It was obvious Dick and Jason had left without telling him, so Tim flushed as he climbed into bed next to Steph.

Steph giggled as she wrapped an arm around Tim to pull him in closer since he was nearly falling off the bed. “I don’t bite, Tim,” she told him as she rested her head on Roy’s chest. “Unless master says I can.”

Tim sputtered, Jason and Dick laughed, and Roy reached over kissed Tim’s forehead. “Don’t worry, Tim,” he soothed. “Only when you’re ready.”

“I- Uh...” Tim ducked his head, still flushed. “Okay.”

Dick nuzzled against Roy. “I think Timmy has his first crush on a girl, master,” he said with a grin.

“‘Bout time,” Jason muttered, turning away from everyone to get to sleep.

Roy smiled. “Well, Tim, Steph and I will have to figure out the extent of this crush tomorrow,” he informed them. “Now, it’s time for my pretty ones to sleep.”

Jason’s grumble told the others he agreed. Dick just snuggled close to both Jason and Roy before dropping off himself. Steph dozed off rather easily as well, but Tim had a bit of harder time, until he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore and cuddled Steph in his sleep. Roy let himself fall asleep once he knew his boys and new girl were fast asleep, smiling to himself and planning what to do with Steph and Tim tomorrow night.

character: tim drake, character: jason todd, series: masters & slaves (by pervy&cero), pairing: steph/tim, fanfiction, fandom: dcu, pairing: roy/steph, character: steph brown, character: roy harper, challenge: pornday, character: dick grayson

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