DCU Fanfic: Sketches of Robin

Jan 07, 2011 15:23

Title: Sketches of Robin
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Kyle, Rainbow Raider, Jason, Roy, Eddie, Alex
Pairing(s): Jason/Kyle (past Kyle/Alex)
Word Count: 2405
Genre: general/smut/humor
Rating: R/M
Notes: This fic's for Bunny (ng83_writings) for dc_rares_and_3s fic exchange. youkoyuri helped me co-write this since part way through my muse abandoned me, even though I had the fic pretty much planned out. Much love for Rasha. <3 Prompt: first time. (Fic takes place before Kyle gets his ring then when joins the Titans in The New Titans.)
Link: N/A


Kyle was really starting to wonder why all the bad things happened to him. Too bad Alex dumped him again or maybe she’d finally believe him when he said he got involved in the weirdest situations. He just wanted to get some paints from the art supplies store by the art gallery that featured some Middle American artists this month.

Unfortunately, some whack job in a black spandex outfit that looked like a rainbow threw up on it decided he needed to attack all the art establishments in this part of the city. So, instead of running away like any sane person would do, he grabbed one of the cans of paint he bought, and hurled it at the freak’s head.

“Hey, pick on something that can fight back!” Kyle shouted which, in hindsight, was a terrible idea.

And that just made the crazy guy angry. “Like you?” he asked as he shot colored beams at Kyle.

Kyle cursed as he ran and dodged the beams, but he was an artist, not an athlete, so eventually, he got worn down and cornered. “Now, who’s talking back to Rainbow Raider, huh?” he cackled as he blinded Kyle.

Suddenly, the world went dark, and Kyle kept himself from freaking out, mostly. He just backed up against the brick wall behind, groping for a way out. After a long moment, he heard Rainbow Raider scream, and felt arms wrap around his waist as he was pulled into the air.

“You brat! You will feel the wrath of the Rainbow Raider!” Kyle heard the Raider shout.

He heard someone laugh. “Nah, I think me and Robin will just knock you out,” a voice said cheerfully, accompanied by the sound of someone crashing to the ground. “Or just me. Robin, you got the guy Raider blinded?”

“Yup!” a voice responded by Kyle’s face as they landed. “You can open your eyes now, man. The blinding should be gone with Raider knocked out.”

Kyle slowly blinked his eyes open, and for a moment, everything was blurry until Robin’s face came into clear view, and it was the best sight Kyle had ever seen. “Oh god, thank you,” he said as he kind of clung to Robin.

Robin chuckled. “Man, clingiest civilian I’ve saved in a while,” he said with a smirk. “But unfortunately, I can’t stick around to see how grateful you wanna be. More people to save and all that.”

Kyle untangled himself from Robin, face flushed and looking down. “Uh, yeah. Sorry ‘bout that,” he muttered, his eyes fixed on Robin’s pixie boots.

Robin just laughed. “No worries,” he replied, making Kyle look up, so he could wink at him, “I like the attention.”

The flush on Kyle’s face just became redder as Robin flew off with his grappling line, giving Kyle a very nice view of his ass and bare thighs before he disappeared with Kid Devil.


It wasn’t more than a few months later Kyle got back together with Alex, and they were good, for a while, but that was before she found the sketchbooks. Usually, his art didn’t bother her. She even understood the reason he drew nude models, but his new obsession that filled a few too many sketchbooks was getting to her.

Alex tossed the open sketchbook on their bed, demanding Kyle explain why there were so many sketches of Robin in their pages. Kyle flushed, trying to provide an answer, but his failure to answer was all Alex needed.

Despite Kyle’s best efforts to convince her otherwise, she left the next morning.


For a while things fell into the semblance of a routine. Kyle would drag himself out of bed and go down to Radu’s, waking himself up with a cup of the finest coffee known to man, or at least that’s what it tasted like to his caffeine starved system. Once sufficiently awake, he’d either head in to the office if there was work to be done there, or he’d drag himself back up to his apartment if there was a deadline coming up he needed to work on. The hours of work would vary, though if there was a deadline approaching he would often work until he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore, more than not falling asleep right where he sat.

And he kept drawing Robin.

The times varied, sometimes he’d catch something on the news about the most recent crime stopped by Batman and Robin and quickly jot down a sketch of Robin in action, entire body fluid and flexible, yet face relaxed and filled with so much cocky good humor, Kyle couldn’t help but find himself transfixed.

Sometimes he’d be caught off guard, just eating dinner (when he remembered to eat) or reading a book when he’d be overcome with the urge to draw the figure from his memory. And other times, times that were far less common but far more embarrassing than the others, he’d find himself waking in the middle of the night, flushed and hard with the ghost of the younger hero beginning to fade back into his dreams, and those drawing were far more personal, more intimate.

A part of Kyle felt guilty for drawing Robin in that manner, after all he didn’t have a right to, all the hero did was save Kyle and move on with his life. It’s what heroes did, they saved people. He doubted the masked boy even remembered him. But it’s not like they would ever see each other again, how much harm could it do? So Kyle kept on drawing.

And then he stumbled out of a bar one day and came across a little blue man who gave him a ring, and everything changed.


When Kyle was invited to join the Titans, he was a bit distracted. As if his life wasn’t stressful enough just trying to find enough jobs to feed himself and finish up his work by the deadlines, now he had to fight evil and try to keep himself from getting killed. Who knew these Green Lanterns had so many enemies? Why they were coming after him when he wasn’t the one who pissed them off, he wasn’t sure.

So when the chance to join a team popped up, he agreed not thinking much about it past the fact that a team meant backup, and backup meant less chances of getting himself killed.

He forgot the little fact that Robin was a member of the Titans, not that it took long to remember. Actually, it took about as long as the time it took Roy to show him around the Tower, and then usher him into the main meeting room to meet the rest of the team.

“Who’s the greenhorn?” The voice was more than familiar by now, even though the media rarely managed to catch much on the Dynamic Duo. Kyle knew the sound of the hero’s voice would be ingrained in his head from their first meeting, at least. He stopped short, staring at the source of his inspiration (infatuation) with enough surprise that it took a moment for the words actually said to sink in. At least until Roy laughed and Kyle felt a friendly hand descend on his shoulder.

“Meet our newest Titan, Green Lantern.” Kyle opened his mouth to say something, he wasn’t entirely sure what, but was interrupted by Robin’s voice once again.

“Yeah? Well, he’s no Hal Jordan.” And, saved his life or not, not even Robin got away with that. He wasn’t Hal Jordan, he didn’t want to be Hal Jordan, and he wanted people to stop comparing them already.

“That’s rich coming from a little boy in pixie boots and scaly panties. Isn’t it almost time for your curfew?” The retort was childish, and not his wittiest moment, but the small burst of satisfaction almost overrode the part of him that was hurt that not only did his savior not seem to have a very high opinion of him, but didn’t even seem to remember him.

Kyle had almost forgotten Roy was there when he let out another laugh and began to tug Kyle to meet the rest of the Titans.

“I don’t think I need to introduce Robin, the pain in the ass of the Titans. Snarking on the first day? You’ll fit right in.”

Following Roy, he felt Robin’s challenging stare behind him. Turning away, he ignored it and greeted the rest of the team with a smile, hiding the small shiver that ran through him. It was almost...thrilling, being the one watched rather than the one doing the watching.


Kyle let out a curse as he banged his head against the bottom of the bed-frame for a second time as he tried to find his sketchbook. He was normally pretty good at keeping track of where he left it, but today he’d been sketching when a Titans emergency had come up and he’d dropped his book and rushed out.

The problem was the book wasn’t where he had left it when he came back, and the Titans tended to be a bit nosy, and there were sketches in there that he really didn’t want anyone else to see.

Rubbing at his head, he collapsed into the nearby chair and tried not to panic. What use was his stupid ring if it couldn’t even find his sket...wait. His ring could find the missing book, and Kyle could feel himself flush in embarrassment at forgetting something like the capabilities of his own ring. At least the rest of the Titans weren’t around for this, or he’d never be able to live it down.

They already found enough to tease him about daily. Bastards. He loved them, but bastards.

Following the prompting from his ring, Kyle let out a sigh of relief when he realized it was leading him straight to his room at the Tower. Someone must have found it lying around and brought it back for him. Grinning, he strode over to his room and threw open the door...and froze at the sight of Robin (whose name he had found was Jason over the last couple of weeks) lying casually on his bed, head propped up on his hand while the other flipped almost lazily through Kyle’s sketchbook.

“You know,” Jason began, holding up one of the more lewd sketches, “your proportions are all wrong here. I’m not that small, GL.”

Kyle felt himself flush, a mixture of embarrassment and anger as he swept across the room, fully intending to grab his book back from the other Titan. He wasn’t entirely sure what he planned to do after, probably take himself and his book out of the Tower to hide out somewhere for the next year or twenty. Maybe he’d see if there was another planet that could use his help.

He got as far as brushing his fingers across the slightly textured paper of the sketch before he felt Jason’s hand wrap around his wrist and yank, and before he knew it Kyle was losing his balance and toppling into the younger man’s lap, his sketchbook tossed to the side and Jason’s hot breath ghosting across his ear.

“Wanna get a better look?” Jason’s voice was both teasing and carrying the dark hint of promise, and Kyle wouldn’t have been able to suppress his shiver if he’d wanted to.

“...if you’re teasing me I’m going to do horrible, nasty things to you.” Though he’d much prefer if Jason did horrible, nasty things to him...Kyle was so grateful there wasn’t a mind reader on the team.

“Promises.” And then Jason’s mouth was on his, and he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t imagined what this would be like before, but overactive imagination or not he couldn’t have imagined just how hot Jason’s mouth would be, or how although his kiss was hungry and controlling there was the slightest hint of something softer underneath, or how good Jason’s hands felt tangled in his hair.

He let out a breathless moan as he clung desperately to Jason’s shoulders, almost instinctively pulling himself closer to Jason and pushing their bodies as close together as he could from this position. Jason shifted as well, and in the ensuing movement Kyle felt Jason’s dick brush against his, and oh god he was hard, and Kyle wasn’t sure which one of the two got to him more, but he felt a shock of pleasure rush through him, taking him by surprise.

He didn’t even notice when Jason took a hold of his shoulders and flipped them so Jason was kneeling on top of him, arms holding down Kyle’s own to the side, mouth still attached firmly to Kyle’s own. He did notice, however, when Jason slid his body over Kyle’s and started to grind against him.

Green Lanterns had willpower, or at least they were supposed to, even though Kyle wasn’t exactly the prime candidate for the last Green Lantern, but willpower was the last thing on his mind as he moaned loudly and thrust up against the writhing body above him, grabbing onto the body he’d memorized with a pen and instead memorizing every curve and contour with his hands, touching and tugging and tasting and doing whatever it took to just get a little bit more.

At some point his suit came off, and Jason’s lips moved from Kyle’s mouth to his chest and Kyle’s hands to rest on Jason’s tight ass, and somewhere between the next thrust and Jason biting down on his nipple and twisting he came in a rush of heat and light. At least, he thought through the satisfied haze he found himself in, Jason didn’t last any longer than he did or he’d have to be a bit embarrassed.

Jason sent him a slight look of protest as Kyle wrapped his arms around the other Titan as he collapsed onto his chest, but didn’t resist otherwise.

“You get enough research for your drawings?” Kyle grinned and sent Jason a look of mock contemplation as he leaned forward to steal a casual kiss.

“I don’t know, maybe a little more. There are some different angles I’d like to try.”

co-written fic, character: eddie bloomberg, pairing: jason/kyle, character: jason todd, character: alex dewitt, fanfiction, fandom: dcu, character: kyle rayner, character: roy harper, character: roy g. bivolo

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