End of the Year Meme

Dec 30, 2010 03:28

Stole this meme from rubynye. Meme thievery is fun! XD

Your main fandom of the year?
DC Comics, second year going? XD

Your favourite film watched this year?
Uhhh, have I seen any...? I can't remember. Oh god. Um. I saw Inkheart on TV, and I enjoyed it?

Your favourite book read this year?
Oh? Umm, I don't read as many books... It's either Lover Mine or Lord John and the Private Matter...

Your favourite album or song to listen to this year?
Song? God, my memory is shit. I'll go with one of the songs from that Steph/Tim mix kingnorth gave me for Christmas. Both Hands by Ani DiFranco. I can't get it outta my head sometimes. XD

Your favourite TV show of the year?
Oh, easy! Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Guh, and I need to keep up better. XD

Your favourite LJ community of the year?
Well, this might be shameless, but... dcu6wordstories! Even with drama and such, I still love my comm. <3

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Huh, what did I discover this year? Ah! Red Hood: Lost Days! <3 It was wonderful~

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
Lian. Harper. (Honorable Mention: The fact Jason Todd and Dean Winchester won't be separated, and that just makes me sad.)

Your TV boyfriend of the year?
Uhhh, I guess, Rick Castle...? I don't even know how this question really works... Maybe I'll just pick Cap or Thor from A:EMH. XD ...maybe Clint. Man, I have a thing for blond guys... >>;;

Your TV girlfriend of the year?
...damn, KH:BbS isn't on the TV damn, PSP! because I'd so say Aqua. Okay, I'll say Jan from A:EMH. XD

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
JASON/TALIA IS CANON, BITCHES! HAHAHAHA! (And a VERY honorable mention to Steph slapping Bruce because HEEE!)

The most missed of your old fandoms?
Kingdom Hearts. I just wrote some for a fic exchange in the past few days, and it was wonderful. I'd love to dive back in or something.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
Actually, Ouran Host Club. There's just so much I want, and I feel like I may have to write it...

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
Ohgod, Judd Winick writing Jason AGAIN. <3

meme, shameless pimping

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