DCU Fanfic: Ran Into You

Nov 02, 2010 18:23

Title: Ran Into You
Fandom: DCU (Tiny Titans)
Character(s): Jason Toddler, Stephanie
Pairing(s): pre-Jason/Steph
Word Count: 138
Genre: fluff
Rating: G/K
Notes: For ng83_writings at my random pairings meme. SPOILERS for Tiny Titans #33. <3
Link: Meme




Jason Toddler pulled off his Red Hood helmet-bucket to see who he knocked over. "Sorry, Robin," he apologized.

Stephanie rubbed her head. "Why were you wearing a bucket in your head?" she asked.

"It's part of my Red Hood costume!" he exclaimed as he offered Stephanie a hand.

She took and let him help her up. "You look better without," she told him with a smile. "And I like the leather jacket."

Jason Toddler beamed. "Thanks! Alfred gave it to me," he said as he looked at the red bucket. "Guess I need something else for my costume..."

"Maybe a red eye mask instead?" Stephanie offered. "I think it'd look cute."

"That's a good idea!" he replied. "Help me find one?"

"Okay!" Stephanie exclaimed, and they ran off to find a red mask, still holding hands.

fandom: dcu, fanfiction, pairing: jason/steph, character: jason todd, character: steph brown, meme: random pairings

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