DCU Fanfic: Girls' Night In

Nov 02, 2010 17:22

Title: Girls' Night In
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Babs, Donna
Pairing(s): pre-Donna/Babs
Word Count: 135
Genre: general/cute
Rating: PG/K+
Notes: For phoenixofborg at my random pairing meme. This takes place some time during Teen Titans v1.
Link: Meme


Barbara fidgeted awkwardly. "I can leave, since Robin's not-"

"No, stay!" Donna exclaimed, making Batgirl sit on the couch before flushing. "I mean, there are never any girls here, and maybe we could have a girl's night...?"

"Oh," Barbara said then scooted over on the couch. "Well, that's different then."

Wonder Girl beamed as she sat next to Batgirl. "Great! It's just me and four boys, and are you sure you don't want to join the Teen Titans?" Donna asked hopefully.

Barbara shook her head. "Gotham's enough for me, thanks. I'm only here to pick up the Boy Wonder." She paused. "Though, I could visit for some more girls' nights..."

Donna grinned. "I'm glad! I'll grab some snack, and you pop in the chick flick."

With that, Wonder Girl and Batgirl's biweekly girls' nights began.

character: barbara gordon, fandom: dcu, fanfiction, pairing: donna/babs, meme: random pairings, character: donna troy

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