Oh Damn

Sep 25, 2010 08:22

So, going to NYCC in a few weeks. Flat broke at this point, so Bek offered to buy me a commission there for Christmas. Best Person Ever. <3 So I looked up the people going there, and someone will have to keep me from smack JT Krul or banging Tony Daniel's head against a wall until he goes back to just drawing and my list of artists I'd want commissions from has been narrowed down to three.

Amanda Conner, Adam Hughes, and Francis Manapul. If these names mean nothing to you, Conner did Power Girl #1-12, Hughes drew a a lot of Catwoman covers and the that women in DC thing (many of the ladies in white dresses with Selina in the black one), and Manapul did the first few Red Robin covers and the first handful of Adventure Comics.

See my dilemma? Guh, I don't even. I'd ask Manapul for Jason. The other two would probably be Steph, though a Conner drawn Jason could be adorable. XD

EDIT: Also, I did not know Geoff Johns was kinda cute. He surprised me just like Judd Winick did. Hell, I need my brain to stop thinking all the guys behind comics look like a cross between Dan Didio and Alan Moore. >>;;

fangirling, friends, squeal!, beeeeeeeek

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