Title: Ladies' Night, With More Alcohol
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Dinah, Babs, Helena
Pairing(s): N/A, implied past-Dinah/Ollie
Word Count: 393
Genre: humor/general/friendship
Rating: PG-13/T
Notes: Another one for
modestroad. Prompt: DCU, BoP,
"You were dancing on the bar and fell off into the arms of the hot bartender. It was like a fairy tale, with more alcohol." Hee, Texts From Last Night made for the most interesting prompts. <3 Also, I'm pretty sure that icon is what Dinah will be doing the morning after this fic. XD (Second time writing Helena, and there's more of here than the last fic. Please tell me how her characterization is? @_@)
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“Screw guys!” Dinah announced drunkenly from her spot sitting cross-legged on the bar counter, taking another shot of tequila. “Gimme another and make it straight. I wanna do a body shot!”
The men in the bar cheered before Helena shot them all a look. “No body shots tonight, fellas,” Barbara added smiling behind her glass of sangria.
“Yeah, and if any of you sleazes so much as look at her funny...” Helena trailed off with a grin, leaving it to the boys’ imaginations as she finished off her amaretto sour.
“Aww, Helena, be nicer!” Dinah exclaimed, very much drunk and trying to stand up on the bar. “They’re not Ollie, so they can’t be that shitty!”
Babs and Helena exchanged knowing looks. “Dinah, I think it’s time we called Zinda to pick us up,” Babs started, moving to take out money to pay for their drinks.
“Already called her,” Helena added. “I called back on Dinah’s fifth shot of tequila. She should be here soon.”
“Noooo,” Dinah whined drunkenly, finally getting to her feet, albeit wobbly. “I don’t wanna leeeeeeave. I want a body shot!”
Babs took off her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose. “We’re leaving. You’re going to have one hell of a hangover tomorrow as is.”
“No!” Dinah huffed, taking a step back to get away from Babs, but there wasn’t anymore counter to step back on. “Ahh!”
Helena moved to catch her, but she wasn’t close enough to grab her. Luckily the really hot bartender that had been serving them all night was. He scooped her up easily, and Dinah wrapped her arms around his neck with a happy sigh.
“My hero,” Dinah murmured against his neck. “It’s like a fairytale!”
“But with more alcohol,” Helena muttered, and Babs snorted a laugh. “All right, fairytale princess. Time to go home.”
Dinah pouted as the bartender lowered her on the other side of the bar. “But I don’t wanna leave my hero!” she exclaimed.
Helena took Dinah threw her over her shoulder. “I’m sure your hero will be here next time you wanna get wasted,” she said soothingly. “Zinda’s probably waiting for us outside, Babs.”
Babs nodded, placing the money for the drinks and a very generous tip. “Thanks,” she said before wheeling off after Helena and Dinah, who was still whining on her way out the door.