Title: Mothers
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Jason, Talia
Pairing(s): Jason/Talia
Word Count: 146
Genre: general/family/romance
Rating: PG/K+
Notes: For
callarkhamquick at my
Alphabet Meme. Prompt: M, mother, Jason Todd. Jason muses about mothers and Talia. (Also counts for my
dcu_freeforall. Prompt: #12 Dream)
Alphabet Meme ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
He remembers bits and pieces as he dreams. Nothing concrete, nothing that really stays with him when he wakes, but he remembers feelings. Jason thinks maybe the warmth and love he feels in these dreams are what a mother makes her son feel. Not that he actually knows the feeling. Even though Catherine had been a decent mother, she wasn't quite enough. Especially when all memories were embittered by what he knew of Sheila Haywood, his biological mother.
The feelings are the only real parts of the dreams that stay. Like when he sees a sunset and cries or hesitates when he spars with Talia. They're there, and so is the love he feels from Talia when he wakes up in her arms. Maybe at one point it had been a motherly love, but it isn't now, and Jason's grateful for that. Mothers are overrated anyway.