Okay, here's the masterlist I promised! XD
shiny_glor_chan wrote
One Night Stand (Jason/Steph, PG-13)
shiny_glor_chan wrote
The Tale Of The Boy Who Was Forced To Wear Panties (Jason/Babs, PG-13)
alexiel-neesan wrote
Midnight Conversations And The Gravitational Force (Jason/Steph, Babs, PG)
cat_13145 wrote
Crime Alley Nights (Jason/OFC, PG-13)
pervyficgirl wrote
A Preference For Storms (Jason/Kara, PG-13)
pervyficgirl wrote
An Indignant Kind of Joy (Jason/Mia, R)
saavikam77 wrote
The Clown's Girl (Jason/Harley, NC-17)
aravistarkheena wrote
Sensory Memory (Jason/Babs, NC-17)
ziriffic wrote
Ranger and Poacher (Jason/Cissie, PG)
If I missed any links or there are any late entries, link me, and I'll add 'em to the list. <3
EDIT: Added a late link. <3