Title: And Now For Something Completely Different
Fandom: Death Note
Character(s): Mello, Matt
Pairing(s): Matt/Mello
Word Count: 244
Genre: general/light smut
Rating: Barely R/M
Notes: Written for
comment_fic. Prompt: "Death Note, any character but Light, not as planned." Mello wakes up tied to his bed. Well, that's not how he was last night...
comment_fic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
When Mello woke up, the first thought he had was whoever tied him to his bed was going to pay, dearly. A few moments after that, he remembered the explosion and the bandages covering his face and part of his body. Then he had to admit the way he was tied up was bothering any of those injuries unless he tried to escape. That was when Mello began to panic inwardly, even if it didn't show on his face.
None of his plans were going as planned, and being tied up without any recollection of how that happened was just adding to Mello's grief. Before he could dwell on the negativity of his situation to long, he heard the bedroom door open. He craned his neck to see he would be cursing about this situation only to see Matt. Mello gaped, but not for long. He was going to chew Matt out so bad, that he'd never do something so inane again!
Before Mello could open his mouth, Matt pulled off his goggles and put a finger to his mouth. Mello balked, about to say to hell with Matt, but Mello had failed to notice when Matt had climbed onto the bed and started to unzip his leather pants.
“What the hell-!” Mello shouted, cutting himself with a moan when Matt took his cock into his mouth.
That was definitely not in any of Mello's plans, but hey, who was he to complain?