Title: Taking Up The Mantle
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Batman, Dick, Damian, Jason, Tim
Pairing(s): Dick/Jason
Word Count: 2752
Genre: general/family/drama/smut
Rating: R/M
Notes: Boom, baby! Jason!muse is back, and he's getting what he wants! Mainly Dick in the Batcave, though that's the main part of the story. This takes place right after Battle for the Cowl #1. If you have no idea what happened, go my
summary of the issue to read up. I apologize for Damian's and Tim's characterizations right now. I'm not too thrilled with Damian yet, and Timmy was just being a bit petulant. :/ No beta (Fits my
dcu_freeforall set for the prompt Wisdom)
Link: N/A
This new Batman took down all the thugs systematically, but in the chaos, Black Mask had managed to get away. The new Batman growled under the grate of his full face mask as Nightwing tied up the last thug, looking over the bullet wounds. They were all non-fatal, every single one. Before this suped up Batman left, Nightwing approached him carefully.
“He got away,” Batman growled, in a low, gravely voice that was very reminiscent of Bruce.
“Who the hell is he?” Damian asked, popping out from his hiding place in the rubble.
Nightwing wanted to glare at the kid for disobeying his orders, but there was no way he was turning his back on someone he wasn't completely sure was friend or foe. “That's what I'd like to know,” Nightwing stated.
“I've left enough clues. If you and Robin are too busy to decipher them, that's through no fault of mine,” the mysterious man said, his voice not quite as low and gravely but definitely distorted by the mask.
Batman turned to leave. “Wait,” Nightwing called out. “If you're so adamant about being Batman, you should tell me who are. It can only benefit the both of us.”
If Nightwing could see the man's eyes, he'd notice that he was rolling his eyes. “Dick, stop being an idiot,” the man said plainly.
“Whoa! Hey, you're not supposed to know that name!” Damian shouted.
Dick's brows furrowed. “Jason?” he asked incredulously.
Batman turned to him, pulling the grate from the mask down and the cowl up and off. “Yes?” Jason asked innocently. “Are you going thank me for saving your ass and the brat, or are you just going to tell me how I'm not good enough?”
Dick held his tongue, though Damian did not have the same amount of tact. “You're not Batman! You're just that stupid dead Robin mother helped out,” Damian stated. “It's not yours to just take.”
“Shut up, kid,” Jason growled, glaring at the kid and making him shrink back into the rubble before he turned back to Dick. “No one was taking up the mantle. If the first Robin doesn't take it, why not the second? You weren't getting your ass in gear, so I did.”
“You're a killer,” Dick muttered, and Jason just chuckled.
“That's rich. Have you been paying any attention to Gotham at all, Dick? I bet Tim has. He can tell you that every sighting of my Batman has been non-fatal. Hell, you have proof right in front of you! Not a single fatal shot in the bunch, and I know you checked.”
“All right,” Dick said grudgingly, “I can attest to that. Though, you should came back to the cave with us. Working together will be better for Gotham in the long run.”
Jason shrugged before pulling the mask and cowl back on. “Sure. May need a Robin to compliment my Batman,” Jason stated easily. “Meet you there.”
With a swoosh of his cape, Jason was gone. Dick let out a bit of an aggravated sigh before motioning for Damian to follow him. It was going to be a long night.
Jason had gotten back to the cave before Dick, so he let himself in. The cave was deserted which seemed a bit unusual, but Jason went with it. He made himself comfortable at the bat-computer, putting his feet up on the keyboard. He leaned back in the chair, not bothering to take off the mask and cowl as he waited for Dick and the brat. When he heard only one pair of feet walking into the cave, he knew Tim had made it back before Dick and Damian.
Tim was automatically on guard when he saw Jason sitting in the computer chair, though he didn't recognize him yet. “You're the new Batman, I take it.”
Jason spun around in the chair, grinning behind his mask. “Yeah,” he said, using his best Batman voice, but he couldn't keep out the glee from his voice when he noticed Tim didn't know it was him. “And Batman needs a Robin, right?
Tim's eyes narrowed behind his mask. “Yes, but that Batman has to be legit,” he said, keeping his guard up.
At that comment, Jason stood up, stalking towards Tim. “Who says I'm not legit?” he asked angrily.
“I do,” Dick said as he strolled into the Batcave, sans Damian.
Jason turned to glare at Dick who was walking his way. “Where's the brat?” he asked gruffly. “Leave him to fend for himself?”
“So to speak. I left him to Alfred,” Dick answered smoothly, leaning against a table. “Now, take off that ridiculous mask, and let's talk.”
Tim looked between Jason and Dick. “You know who he is?” Tim asked quietly.
Jason let out a laugh. “Man, to ever think I thought the replacement was smart.”
“Jason!” Tim exclaimed, not really believing that Jason could have been capable of being such a proficient Batman. “Why are you here, and why have you been pretending to be Batman?”
Jason growled as he ripped the grate off his mask and pulled back the cowl. “No pretending about it, pretender. You've gotten my clues at every scene. You've seen how good I am at this. I don't see the issue here when Dick won't take up the mantle.”
“You can't just make choice like that!” Tim shouted. “It wasn't your decision to make.”
“Gotham needs Batman, and she needed him a lot sooner than you two were going to provide,” Jason snarled. “Do you think he would have wanted you to let Gotham go to hell while you looked for the 'perfect' replacement? Newsflash, there is no perfect replacement! There's just me.”
“And you're not nearly good enough,” Tim bit out which made Dick wince as Jason stalked towards Tim.
“Oh really? Who would be better, you?” Jason laughed. “Don't make me laugh. No one would be afraid of you in a batsuit, kid.”
“I meant Dick,” Tim grumbled.
Dick put his hands up. “No way,” he stated.
Tim spun on his heel to face Dick. “And why not? Do you really think Bruce would want Jason to take over the mantle?”
“I'm not him. Neither is Jason, but he's not trying to be him,” Dick said quietly. “All I could do as Batman would be try to live up to the man before me, but I would always fall short.”
“That's not true,” Tim said, trying to get closer to Dick, but Dick moved away.
“Tim, let it go,” Dick stated harshly.
Tim stood quietly for a moment before turning to walk away. “Fine, if you want that murderer to be Batman, fine. Who am I to argue? You were both here before me anyway,” he snapped before turning to leave the cave.
Once Tim zoomed out on his motorcycle, Dick groaned to himself, massaging his temples before looking at Jason. “Wipe that smirk off your face.”
Jason gave Dick an innocent look. “I have no idea what you're talking about.” He paused. “Are you really going to let me be Batman?”
“Do I have a choice?” Dick bit out.
“Sure you do,” Jason said lightly. “Beat me up and turn me in to the cops. I'm sure you could manage it if you really tried.”
Dick's brows furrowed before he pulled off his mask. “Jason, you're doing a better job than I could at this point. I can't get past Bruce's Batman. You can and have. As long as you don't kill, I see no problem. Since you've been operating as Batman for a while it seems and without killing, I don't see why you would start now.”
“I won't.” Jason stopped, then swallowed quietly. “I want to do it right, this time.”
Dick saw a flicker of the boy he knew when Jason had first become Robin. The boy that was all brass and bravado; the boy that Dick gave his old costume to with pride. Placing a hand on Jason's shoulder, Dick attempted a reassuring smile. “You are, this time.”
Jason smiled back before it turned into a lewd grin. “So, I saved your life. I'm thinking you owe me something, 'Wing.”
Dick's smile dropped into a suspicious frown as he pulled his hand away, but Jason grabbed it. “What do you want from me?”
“Spar with me,” he said evenly, a glint in his eye that Dick didn't quite trust.
Dick was still suspicious but nodded. “Sure,” he said moving back towards the practice mats.
As Jason followed him, Dick could feel Jason's grin as they hit the mats. Once on the mats, Jason tossed his cape and weapons aside, and Dick tossed his weapons away as well. With the weapons gone, it began. Jason tackled Dick down to the mats, using his size and strength against Dick. Ever the acrobat, Dick twisted impossibly out of Jason's grip then jumping over him get back on his feet.
Jason grinned as he got up, dodging a kick. “I almost forgot how flexible you were,” he murmured before throwing a kick of his own.
Dick grunted as he dodged the kick and moved in for a series of punches. A few did connect before Jason grabbed on of Dick's fists and used it against, twisting him to the ground. Dick rolled away, before shooting a out a leg at Jason's ankles.
Dick swept him, but Jason went with the fall, pinning Dick before he could get out the way. With Dick pinned beneath him Jason grinned, panting slightly, sweat dripping from his forehead onto Dick's. “Pinned you, Dick,” he whispered roughly.
“Not for long,” Dick said confidently, moving out of Jason's grip, only to be shocked when Jason mouth descended upon his before he could move away.
Dick gasped into the sudden kiss, which was all the invitation Jason needed for his tongue to delve into his mouth. The kiss was rough, pushing Dick back onto the mats. When Jason's mouth moved away from Dick's, the rest of Jason was gone just as quick. At some point, Dick must have closed his eyes, because when Jason's weight had moved away from him, he opened his eyes, confusion clear in them.
“Just taking what you owed me,” Jason stated as he collected his gear, snapping his utility belt back on. “I'll see you around.”
Dick may have been shocked by what had just happened, but not enough to just let Jason leave without a real explanation. He jogged over to Jason and stepped in front of him. “Why, Jason?”
“Does there have to be a why, golden boy?” Jason asked exasperatedly. “I wanted to spar, so we sparred. I wanted to kiss you, so I kissed you. Doesn't really mean anymore than that.”
“Really?” Dick asked, arms crossing his chest. “So if I said we should bring this upstairs, you would leave?”
Jason looked at Dick almost incredulously. “Not a chance,” he answered. “Though, I don't believe you're offering so much as trying to figure out my motives. I'll make them clearer. You're a fine piece of ass, Dick. I saved your life tonight. I thought I deserved a proper thank you.”
Dick raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Do you, now? And you really believe I couldn't have taken those thugs without you?”
“Oh, I'm sure you could, but not with Damian's safety as a distraction. That kid has no idea how to handle the criminal element around here,” Jason stated moving to closer to Dick as he spoke. “My way was faster and more effective.”
“Maybe,” Dick conceded as he let Jason into his personal space, “maybe not, but why should I thank you? Give me a good reason, Jason.”
Jason smirked as he leaned down, his mouth brushing Dick's ear. “I'm taking up the mantle you want nothing to do with. You like being Nightwing, and you won't give that up for anyone, even a dead man,” Jason whispered before pulling away as Dick hid a shudder. “You're selfish, Dickie-bird. You just don't want to admit to it. I'm the answer to your problems.”
The only reason Dick kissed Jason now was to shut him up. Jason was hitting to close to home, and Dick was loathed to admit, but he was right. Dick kissed Jason with an intensity he didn't know he possessed. He could feel Jason grin into the kiss before giving back that intensity in spades. As they kissed, Dick felt himself pushed backwards until he hit a hard surface that Jason pressed him against.
They broke apart for air, just for a moment before kissing again. Jason's hands moved to grip Dick's ass, pulling him against him while Dick moved his legs up to wrap around Jason's waist. Using whatever Jason had pinned him against as support, Dick let his hands fall to Jason's utility belt, not exactly sure how to get it off, but still managing.
Once Jason's belt was out of the way and his tights down, Dick felt Jason hands move from his ass to cup his cock. Dick groaned as Jason's hands slipped into his tights and start to jerk him off as he moved the tights down from his hips. Dick let his head fall back, noticing what he was leaning against was the case to Jason Todd, a good soldier. Jason smirked when he saw Dick noticed, so Dick retaliated by grasping Jason's cock and moving it against his.
Jason moaned at that sudden friction, moving with it and gripping Dick's hand as they jerked off together. Pressing even closer, Jason kissed Dick firmly as they both worked each other into orgasm. When they came, they broke the kiss, panting hard. Once the post-orgasm bliss wore off, Dick glanced behind him with a frown.
“Against the memorial?” he questioned.
Jason just smirked as he let Dick jump down from his hold before pulling his tights back up, tucking himself in. “Hey, it's my memorial. I can do what I want with it.” He paused with a lewd grin. “Or, in this case, against it.”
Dick flushed at the words as he quickly pulled his tight back up, composing himself. “Right, I guess you'll be going now?” he asked, almost hopeful Jason would leave him to brood over what just happened.
“Nah,” Jason answered lazily his gear that he had dropped in order to grab Dick. “I'm thinking an encore performance upstairs. You think you'll be up for it?”
Dick could hear Jason's voice was think with innuendo as he took in a breath, contemplating the offer. “No uniforms upstairs. House rule,” Dick stated uneasily.
Jason nodded. “I figured Alfred would still have that rule,” he murmured fondly. “Got any civvies in down here I can borrow?”
“Nothing that would fit unless...” Dick trailed off, shaking his head, not wanting to give Jason Bruce's clothes. “I should have a robe that'll fit you.”
Jason chuckled as he leaned against a wall. “That'll look sordid,” he pointed out.
Dick raised an eyebrow. “You're Batman now. You telling me you can't sneak around the Manor in a robe without getting caught?” he asked almost playfully as he went to grabbed his robe
“We all know Alfred's the best of all of us,” Jason quipped as Dick handed him the robe. “Though, providing I have a decoy, I'm sure I could sneak upstairs without notice.”
As Jason pulled off his uniform and slipped into the robe, Dick looked away. “Sure, just call me decoy,” he muttered.
Once the robe was securely in place, Jason wrapped his arms around Dick's waist, his chin on Dick's shoulder. “Very hot decoy,” he whispered hotly, “though, not nearly as hot as me.”
Dick rolled his eyes as he pushed Jason away. “C'mon,” he ordered as he headed for the stairs.
“Bossy, Dickie, so bossy,” Jason said as he followed. “Hope you're not this bossy in bed.”
Dick turned around, walking up the stair backwards. “Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, but I guess you're just going to have to find out, aren't you?” he said cheekily as he took the rest of the step two and three at a time.
Jason grinned as he followed in suit. The night was looking up, and it was never really down to begin with. Not to mention he was very interested to find out how bossy Dick could be, but first he was going to show Dick that Jason was in charge now. He was Batman now, after all.