Feb 25, 2009 13:06
Oh goddammit! I was looking for Roy/Grant fics and found one in Italian, but my Italian's SO rusty that I can't translate it fast enough. ;-;! UGH! I want it! And the person wrote Roy/Dick too! I wanna reeeeead it. I translated the first line of the Roy/Dick one, and it essentially said 'Dick doesn't shut up for a second!' *learned a new verb because of that sentence, cough*
Actually, last night I was trying to translate one of my shorter fics into Italian for practice, but I noticed there's no way to translate all those colloquialisms in quotes and such, at least not without more extensive study of the language. Ma fangulo! >>;; Hmmm, why is I feel saying that is stronger than just saying 'fuck'?
Seriously, fuck is over used. Though, my friend made a fun point yesterday. Fuck is used in every part of speech in the English language except for a conjunction. -.-;; Hence the overuse. Also, it's pretty universal. Say fuck to someone in any country, and you'll essentially you'll piss someone off because they know what you said. Lovely.
*goes back to making Titans icons*
language is fun